Hufflepuff Quiz
written by Louisa S R W
Are you Humble enough for this Hufflepuff quiz?
Last Updated
Chapter 1
Are you Humble enough ???
1) Hufflepuffs are :
a) Kind b) Modest c) Brave
2) The common room is
a) Dungeons b) Tower
3) Which colour?
a) Yellow b) Blue c) Green
4) What sort of people?
a) Pure-Blood b) Half-Blood c) Any-blood
5) Which character was a notable Hufflepuff?
a) Hermione Granger b) Newt Scamander c) Cho Chang
6) Hufflepuffs’ House Ghost is the
a) Moaning Myrtle b) Fat Friar c) Peeves
7) Hufflepuffs are unafraid of…
a) loyalty b) toil c) patience
8) The Emblem is
a) Lion b) Badger c) Hawk
9) Common Room is close to
a) Kitchens b) Owlery c) Astronomy Tower
10) Notably good at
a) Defence Against the Dark Arts b) Arithmancy c) Care of Magical Creatures