The Dog
Chapter 1
A Crup is an English breed of dog. According to Magizoologists such as Newt Scamander they are almost certainly a wizard created dog as it is intensely loyal to wizards and ferocious towards Muggles. It originated in the southeast, so I see quite a lot of dogs like these as that area includes London, Kent, Essex etc…
To give you an idea it looks very much like a Jack Russell Terrier EXCEPT for the fact that it has a forked tail. It is said that many used to take jack russells and cut their tails to make them look like crups. It is a great scavenger and will eat anything in its path including gnomes and old tyres.
DID YOU KNOW… a Crup Puppy is called a cruppie and a group of crups is a “pack”
By law the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures requires owners to have a li-cence. And to pass a test to show they can control the animal.
Personally, I don’t like the way that crups are treated and would prefer people not to have them at all.