Halloween Stories 2014
Horror Stories for you to tell on Halloween, Year 2014.
Last Updated
Can I Borrow Your Head?
Chapter 2
Jocelyn looked suspiciously at the mirror in the bathroom. She wondered why people were scared of this old, broken down house. Her brother, Lucas, hated this house, yet she drug him into coming. Lucas was right to be scared of the house. But Jocelyn would soon find out why. Jocelyn thought being afraid of the murder legend here was really overrated, especially since Lucas was an eighth grader. Suddenly, Jocelyn and Lucas heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Jocelyn thought it was just a cat or a dog. Lucas, on the other hand was hyperventilating. Jocelyn drug Lucas into another room, which was a bedroom with a tattered queen size bed, a moldy closet, and a window with a little hand print on it. Jocelyn started to get worried. The hand print looked like it had been printed about one minute ago. Then she felt a cold hand over her mouth. Lucas, being the coward he was, jumped out the window and ran home. Jocelyn was drug into the closet and locked in. She couldn't get out. Then, she felt a sharp blade on her throat. Then, the strange figure asked, "Can I Borrow Your Head?".