Positive Saturday - #9 (Entrainment)
Chapter 4
Hey Everyone! This isn't a normal Positive Saturday that I normally do, but I thought it was important that I talk about it!
In your life, you might have, or will experience, some hate. Nowadays, people have phones and the internet, so they can write mean or hateful comments more easily than in person. Now, these types comments can get to a person enough that they might quit social media. These types of comments can also affect a person's mental health.
There are many ways that you can handle these people, so you can live your best life. One way that you can handle these types of people, is making there comments your ‘fuel.’ Take what they say as your new goal to accomplish. Or tell yourself that you are going to prove them wrong. Hey, they would be helping you be more successful. Another way you can handle negative comments is by sticking by your friends and family. If you have a positive person for support, you will be able to lean on them for support.
And finally, just continue being you! Don’t let anyone stop you from being you because you are amazing!
Sources: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesleadershipcollective/2018/08/16/how-10-high-achievers-handle-haters/?sh=2d517b2b7947
Belle Lestrange, Assistant Manager, and Publisher