A Rant about Ravenclaw’s Portrayal
written by Merlin D. Trelawney
Frustrations about misconceptions of my House… A clean rant about how Ravenclaw has been misconceptualized.
Last Updated
Chapter 2
Something that’s really irked me was how Ravenclaw’s colors were changed from blue and bronze to blue and silver. And now all official Ravenclaw merchandise is blue and silver. This includes crests, scarves, jewelry, artwork, and clothing. WHY did the filmmakers have to CHANGE our colors for NO APPARENT REASON?!?!?!!??!?! It’s completely mental! Blue and bronze work PERFECTLY together, and even if they did clash Ravenclaw’s colors only had about 3 MINUTES of screentime for an entire 8 FILMS!!!!! I mean, none of the OTHER houses’ colors were changed. WHY did they have to pick on RAVENCLAW?!?!?!??!
Fortunately you can still buy non-official merchandise that has blue and bronze.