Astronomy For 1St Years Notes
My notes for Astronomy for 1st Years. Please, read what I have written and enjoy this book of notes for Astronomy for 1st Years. If you have any questions or need help with Astronomy, email me and ask for tutoring at Have fun!!
Last Updated
Lesson 1 (Introductions)
Chapter 1
Teacher-Professor Dax Polgara
1-Introductions & Solar System Basics
3-Venus & Earth
4-Mars: the Red Planet & Mid-Terms
5-Jupiter the Gas Giant
6-Saturn and its Rings
8-Neptune & Pluto
9-Final Review & Examinations
Grading Expectations
Short Answer Grading
Own words
Quiz Grading
Automatically graded (unless using short answers)
Multiple Choice & True/False automatically graded
Read each question thoroughly
Essay Grading
10% Spelling/Grammar
15% Word Requirements (Over Word Requirement, not under)
70% Assignment Completion (Follow rubric and guidelines!)
5% Identifying Marks (NO NAME!)
Plagiarism (Automatic Fail)
Lesson 1
Astronomy=Study of our universe. Including celestial objects (such as planets, stars, moons, nebulae, galaxies so on so forth), phenomena (supernova explosions, gamma ray bursts, cosmic radiation & more) & the physics, chemistry and evolution of these objects. "Natural Science."
Earth is in the Milky Way galaxy. 8 planets orbiting the Sun. Orbit counter-clockwise, own paces. Sun does not stay in one spot, it orbits galactic centre.
2 parts to the Solar System; Inner Solar System: Mercury, Venus, Earth & Mars; Outer Solar System: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune. Seperated by Asteroid Belt which is between Mars & Jupiter. Made of over 7,000 asteroids. Also orbits the Sun. Learning about each planet, working from the Inner Solar System out.
Billions of stars within the Milky Way Galaxy. Star=ball of hydrogen and helium with enough mass to maintain nuclear fusion at its core. Nuclear fusion makes the star luminous.
Stars play large roles in religion & navigation. North star points north. Stars form patterns. "Constellations." 1929, International Astronomical Union recognized 88 constellations. These are only "official." Big Dipper is not official. This is because it is found within a constellations, counts as asterism. These are the constellations: Andromeda ("The Chained Woman"), Antlia ("The Airpump"), Apus ("The Bird of Paradise"), Aquarius ("The Water Bearer"), Aquila ("The Eagle"), Ara ("The Altar"), Aries ("The Ram"), Auriga ("The Charioteer"), Boötes ("The Herdsmen"), Caelum ("The Sculptor’s Tool"), Camelopardalis ("The Giraffe"), Cancer ("The Crab"), Canes Venatici ("The Hunting Dogs"), Canis Major ("The Great Dog"), Canis Minor ("The Little Dog"), Capricornus ("The Goat"), Carina ("The Keel of the Argo"), Cassiopeia ("The Seated Queen"), Centaurus ("The Centaur"), Cepheus ("The King"), Cetus ("The Whale"). Chameleon, Circinus ("The Compasses"), Columba ("The Dove"), Coma Berenices ("Berenice’s Hair"), Corona Australis ("The Southern Crown"), Corona Borealis ("The Northern Crown"), Corvus ("The Crow" or "The Raven"), Crater ("The Cup"), Crux ("The Southern Cross"), Cygnus ("The Swan"), Delphinus ("The Dolphin"), Dorado ("The Swordfish" or "The Goldfish"), Draco ("The Dragon"), Equuleus ("The Filly"), Eridanus ("The Eridanus River"), Fornax ("The Furnace"), Gemini ("The Twins"), Grus ("The Crane"), Hercules ("The Hero",)Horologium ("The Clock"), Hydra ("The Sea Serpent"), Hydrus ("The Water Snake"), Indus ("The Indian"), Lacerta ("The Lizard") Leo ("The Lion"), Leo Minor ("The Little Lion"), Lepus ("The Hare"), Libra ("The Scales"), Lupus ("The Wolf"), Lynx ("The Lynx"), Lyra ("The Harp"), Mensa ("The Table" or "The Mountain"), Microscopium ("The Microscope"), Monoceros ("The Unicorn"), Musca ("The Southern Fly"), Norma ("The Rule"), Octans ("The Octant"), Ophiuchus ("The Serpent-Bearer"), Orion ("The Hunter"), Pavo ("The Peacock"), Pegasus, Perseus, Phoenix, Pictor ("The Painter" or "The Painter’s Easel"), Pisces ("The Fish"), Piscis Austrinus ("The Southern Fish"), Puppis ("The Poop Deck of the Argo"), Pyxis ("The Mariner’s Compass"), Reticulum ("The Net"), Sagitta ("The Arrow"), Sagittarius ("The Archer") ,Scorpius ("The Scorpion"), Sculptor ("The Sculptor"), Scutum ("The Shield"), Serpens ("The Serpent"), Sextans ("The Sextant"), Taurus ("The Bull"), Telescopium ("The Telescope"), Triangulum ("The Triangle"), Triangulum Australe ("The Southern Triangle"), Tucana ("The Toucan"), Ursa Major ("The Great Bear"), Ursa Minor ("The Little Bear"), Vela ("The Sail of the Argo"), Virgo ("The Virgin"), Volans ("The Flying Fish"), Vulpecula ("The Fox").
The 12 along the equator make up the Zodiac. Aries, Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio (Scorpius), Taurus, and Virgo make up the Zodiac. Constellation future telling, astrology, astromancy unrelated to astronomy beside the fact that they look at constellations.
My Favourite Constellation-100%=10 points=O=Outstanding
Paragraph 1-Which constellation, why & info
Paragraph 2-Retell creation myth, if none, when discovered, who discovered & how it was named
Paragraph 3-Make a new myth, can be more than 1 paragraph
15% Spelling/Grammar
15% Word Requirements (min 200 words)
5% Identifying Marks
65% Bulk of Essay (Include paragraphs, creative for the myth, PICTURE!)
Plagiarism=Automatic fail
No due date