Hogwarts Daily News Issue #122
written by ☆ 《Belle Brookes》 ☆
In this issue, there is a story, a poem, a group ad, and a bunch of entertainment articles, and a lot of fun articles for you to read! Hope you enjoy this issue!
Last Updated
Lilac’s Advice Column #4 (Entertainment)
Chapter 17
Hey! Welcome back to Lilac’s Advice Column! I hope you’ve been enjoying this series thus so far. As always, a Q is next to the question, and an A is next to my advice.
Q: This is sometimes a problem for people, so I was wondering if you could give the information on it: When using imgbb for pictures in books and backstories, could you list how to do it? I know there are lots of books on this, but not that many actually walk you step through step on it. - Anonymous
A: First of all, thank you for asking this question that will benefit everyone! That’s very kind of you. The steps go like this:
- Step one: Go to imgbb.com.
- Step two: Click “start uploading.”
- Step three: Select the image you want to upload and click “open.”
- Step five: Select the auto delete option that you want.
- Step six: Click “upload.”
- Step seven: Go to the “embed codes” section and select “HTML full linked.”
- Step eight: Copy and paste the link into your book or backstory.
That’s it! Once again, thank you for asking this question!!!
Q: How can I find good books in the Hogwarts Library? I can't seem to find very much good material in between all the fanfics, romance, and random entries. Help!!! - Alicia Merriweather, Hufflepuff
A: I’m not entirely sure how to answer this, because there is no one definition of a good book. I would try searching for a kind of book you like. For example, if you like mysteries, you could search up, “mystery.” You would find books that have “mystery” in their title or description.
This should help you find some good books. Send a follow-up question if you need more help!
Thank you for reading my advice column! And a big thanks to Alicia Merriweather and anonymous for participating. Please write to me using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-QEv_3TrjjeZ44lLqscRVxTiM9wr1WUix80Yv_R4R0Y/viewform
- Lilac Ellise, HDN Editor and Assistant Manager
Q: This is sometimes a problem for people, so I was wondering if you could give the information on it: When using imgbb for pictures in books and backstories, could you list how to do it? I know there are lots of books on this, but not that many actually walk you step through step on it. - Anonymous
A: First of all, thank you for asking this question that will benefit everyone! That’s very kind of you. The steps go like this:
- Step one: Go to imgbb.com.
- Step two: Click “start uploading.”
- Step three: Select the image you want to upload and click “open.”
- Step five: Select the auto delete option that you want.
- Step six: Click “upload.”
- Step seven: Go to the “embed codes” section and select “HTML full linked.”
- Step eight: Copy and paste the link into your book or backstory.
That’s it! Once again, thank you for asking this question!!!
Q: How can I find good books in the Hogwarts Library? I can't seem to find very much good material in between all the fanfics, romance, and random entries. Help!!! - Alicia Merriweather, Hufflepuff
A: I’m not entirely sure how to answer this, because there is no one definition of a good book. I would try searching for a kind of book you like. For example, if you like mysteries, you could search up, “mystery.” You would find books that have “mystery” in their title or description.
This should help you find some good books. Send a follow-up question if you need more help!
Thank you for reading my advice column! And a big thanks to Alicia Merriweather and anonymous for participating. Please write to me using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-QEv_3TrjjeZ44lLqscRVxTiM9wr1WUix80Yv_R4R0Y/viewform
- Lilac Ellise, HDN Editor and Assistant Manager