First Years Guide to Ace Astronomy: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for ASTR-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
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Astronomy Glossary
Chapter 1
A.M.E Quotient ⊱ Stands for Astronomical Magical Effect Quotient.
Aphelion ⊱The farthest space between the Planet & the Sun.
Apogee ⊱ The farthest space between the Moon & the Earth.
Aristarchus of Samos ⊱ An astronomer & mathematician who was Greek. He theorized that the sun was the center of the solar system.
Asteroid ⊱ Almost like a meteoroid, but very large. The minimum size is 100 meters across.
Asteroid Belt ⊱ Where most asteroids are seen. It is between Mars' orbit & Jupiters' orbit.
Astronomer's Lamp ⊱ Releases red light that lets you control the brightness when out stargazing.
Astronomical Telescope ⊱ Any celestial object that looks upside down in a telescope.
Astronomical Unit ⊱ The distance between the Earth & the Sun. Also known as the A.U.
Astronomy ⊱ Researching about the universe.
Ayesha Mansour ⊱ Invented the A.M.E. Quotient. The original name was the Astromeff Quotient.
Celestial Bodies ⊱ Moons, asteroids, comets, planets, stars, nebulae, & galaxies.
Celestial Globe ⊱ A globe that shows stars & constellations. A magical globe shows some names of stars & constellations.
Cleanthes ⊱ A Static philosopher. He believed that Aristarchus's model of the solar system was profane.
Comet ⊱ Created by gas & dust. Ice melts on a comet & evaporates when in close contact of the Sun.
Concave ⊱ Thin in the middle. Also known as a negative lens.
Constructive Interference ⊱ When two or more magical bodies reflect each other to create a strong magical bond. For example, bodies that are ninety degrees closer together.
Convex ⊱ Thick in the middle. Also known as a positive lens.
Cosmology ⊱ The beginning & the growth of the universe.
Crater ⊱ Holes in the ground from meteorites hitting Earth.
Destructive Interference ⊱ When two or more magical bodies partly or entirely cancel each other to create little to no magical bond. For example, bodies that are more than ninety degrees apart.
Domenica Maria de Novara ⊱She was a principal & influenced Copernicus to keep researching astronomy.
Edmond Halley ⊱ An English astronomer. In 1705, he found a comets period of 75 years.
Edwin Hubble ⊱ An American astronomer who discovered cosmology.
Ellipse ⊱ A flat, stretched circle. Also known as foci.
Epicycles ⊱ When planets rotate in circles.
Eyepiece ⊱ To make the object look sharp.
Galaxies ⊱ A group of stars.
Galileo Galilei ⊱ An astronomer who created a better telescope. He located four large moons of Jupiter, which are called the Galilean moons & discovered the phases of Venus using his telescope.
Geocentric ⊱ Earth centered. Geos in Greek translates to Earth.
George Von Rheticus ⊱ He created a telescope that could resolve two points with one arcsecond apart & it is nine times as good as Galileo's telescope. Muggles know him as Georg Joachim Rheticus.
GPS ⊱ Stands for Global Positioning System.
Hans Lippershey ⊱ A Dutch eyeglass creator in 1608 who invented telescopes.
Heliocentric ⊱ Sun centered. Helios in Greek translates to Sun.
Inclination ⊱ The angle of the equator. It is tilted by the way the planet orbits.
Inner Planets ⊱ Planets that are the closest to the Sun. Planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, & Mars.
International Astronomical Union ⊱ It was created in 2006. Also known as the I.A.U.
International Statute of Secrecy ⊱ A law which split Muggle & magical communities to keep magical people from retaliation against the Muggles.
Isaac Newton ⊱ A physicist, astronomer, & mathematician who was English & was the best scientist out there.
Luna Scope ⊱ A tube with a hole at one end of it. You put in the day, month, & year & you will be able to look into the tube for the phase of the Moon on the day you chose.
Meteor ⊱ A small object that comes into contact with the atmosphere of Earth. It heats up & shows off its glowing particles.
Meteorite ⊱ When a meteoroid lands on Earth. It can come from other planets such as Mars or the Moon.
Meteoroid ⊱ Causes meteors. It is the size of a grain of sand & vaporizes when in Earth's atmosphere.
Moon Chart ⊱ A parchment that has ten dates worth of the phases of the Moon along with a corresponding picture. To show more dates, touch the right or left side to scroll through them.
Nucleus ⊱ The rock-hard part of the comet.
Objective Lens ⊱ The light-gathering lens.
Observational Astronomy ⊱ Discovering things by visually seeing or by data that has been collected.
Orbit ⊱ Circuits around the Sun or the Moon.
Orrery ⊱ A replica of the solar system that orbits the Sun. It has the planets, but they are not exactly to scale. However, the amount of time it takes to orbit the Sun is somewhat to scale.
Outer Planets ⊱ Planets that are the farthest from the Sun. Planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune. All of these planets have rings.
Perigee ⊱ The nearest space between the Moon & the Earth.
Perihelion ⊱ The nearest space between a planet & the Sun.
Ptolemy ⊱ He believed that the Moon is the closest object to Earth, along with Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, & the stars. He thought that the planets moved when the stars moved.
Radar ⊱ It senses objects by using radio waves or microwaves to sense the object's range, angle, & velocity.
Reflecting Telescopes ⊱ Also called Newtonian telescopes.
Refracting Telescopes ⊱ Uses lenses only to refract light.
Rover ⊱ A vehicle that goes up in space & roams around on planets or moons.
Sally Ride ⊱ The first American woman to be launched into space. This happened in 1983.
Satellites ⊱ An object that goes around a planet. This can be moons, artificial satellites, & GPS.
Sputnik Satellites ⊱ In Russian, it translates to fellow traveler. It was sent into orbit by the Soviet Union in 1957.
Star Chart ⊱ A map of the sky to help find stars & constellations.
Telescope ⊱ A tool that enlarges a far away target & makes it more vivid to see the target.
Theoretical Astronomy ⊱ Using technology to discover answers.
Terrestrial Telescopes ⊱ An eyepiece that has two positive lenses.
Tripod ⊱ A stand which has three legs so you can balance an object on it for a greater height.
Ptolemy ⊱ An astronomer, geographer, & mathematician who was Greek.
Valentina Tereshkova ⊱ An engineer who went into space in 1963.