
A complete list of all the spells in the Wizarding World as well as what they do

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Chapter 1
Harry Potter Spells From the Books and Movies: Aberto- Opens a door Accio- Summons an object Aguamenti- Creates water from the wand Alarte Ascendare- Throws the target upward Alohomora- Opens locks and doors Amato Animo Animato Animagus- Part of the long process to turn yourself into an Animagus Anapneo- Clears the target’s throat Anteoculatia- Turns the target’s hair into antlers Aparecium- Reveals invisible ink Appare Vestigium- Reveals traces of recent magical activity as well as footprints Arania Exumai- Repels Spiders Arresto Momentum- Slows a falling target Ascendio- Moves the caster upwards Avensegium- Turns an object into a tracker Averte Statum- Quickly pushes the target backward Avis- Conjure birds Bombarda- Creates and explosion Brachiabindo- Binds the target with ropes Brackium Emendo- Heals broken bones Capacious Extremis- Makes the inside of an object extremely bigger; extension charm Cave Inimicum- Keeps enemies away Circumrota- Rotates an object Cistem Aperio- Opens trunks and boxes Colloportus- Seals a door Confringo- Creates an explosion Confundo- Confuses the target Curcio- Causes the victim intense pain Deletrius- Causes the target to disintegrate Densaugeo- Causes the target’s front teeth to enlarge considerably Deprimo- Gouges chucks out of an object Depulso- Repels the target Descendo- Makes the target move downwards Diffindo- Severs and object Dissendium- Reveals certain hidden passageways Duro- Turns objects into stone Emancipare- Releases bindings Engorgio- Enlarges the target Ennervate- Counters Stupefy Episkey- Heals minor injuries Erecto- Erects a tent Evanesco- Vanishes an object Expecto Patronum- Conjures a patronus Expelliarmus- Disarms the target Expulso- Causes an explosion Eye of rabbit, heartstring hum, turn this water into rum- Turns water into rum Ferula- Conjures a splint and cast for broken bones Fianto Duri- Allows the caster to keep a spell active while casting other spells Finestra- Turns glass into dust Finite- Cancels other spells Finite Incantatem- Stops another spell’s effects Flagrante- Makes an object burn to anyone who touches it Flagrate- Creates a luminous mark on a surface; temporarily Flipendo- Flips the target Fulgari- Binds the target with luminous cords Furnunculus- Causes the target’s face to erupt in boils Geminio- Duplicates an object Glisseo- Turns stairs into a slide Harmonia Nectere Passus- Repairs Vanishing Cabinets Homenum Revelio- Reveals human presence Immobulus- Immobilizes the target Impedimenta- Temporarily stops the target Imperio- Causes the victim to obey the caster Impervious- Repels water and heat Incarcerous- Creates a rope around the target Incendio- Creates fire from the wand Lacarnum Inflamari- Sets a cloak on fire Langlock- Glues the target’s tongue to the roof of their mouth Legilimens- Allows the caster to read the target’s mind or memories Levicorpus- Lifts the target in the air by the ankle Liberacorpus- Counter-curse for Levicorpus Locomotor Mortis- Sticks the target’s legs together Locomotor- Moves the target Lumos- Creates a ball of light on the wand tip Lumous Solem- Creates a narrow beam of light Meteolojinx Recanto- Stops weather Mobiliarbus- Moves trees Mobilicorpus- Moves bodies Molliare- Creates a soft invisible cushion; cushioning charm Morsmordre- Conjures the Dark Mark Muffliato- Makes it so that the caster cannot be heard Nebulus- Conjures fog Nox- Extinguishe’s Lumos Obliviate- Wipes the target’s memory Obscuro- Gives the target a blindfold Oculus Reparo- Repairs Glasses Oppugno- Creatures in the vicinity will attack the target Orchideous- Conjures flowers Oscausi- Seals the target’s mouth shut Pack- Packs Papyrus Reparo- Will reconstruct the whole of a shredded piece of paper, even if you only have one fragment Partis Temporus- Parts objects Periculum- Shoots red sparks Peskipiksi Pesternomi- Possibly repels pixies Petrificus Totalus- Makes the target as stiff as a board Piertotum Locomotor- Makes statues come to life Point Me- The wand will point north Portus- Turns an object into a portkey Prior Incantato- Makes a wand reveal the former spells it made Protego- Creates a shield around the caster Protego Diabolica- Creates a ring of deadly, protective fire Protego Horribilis- Creates a powerful shield Protego Totalum- Creates a powerful shield Quietus- Ends Sonorus Reducio- Makes an object smaller Reducto- Destroys solid objects Relashio- Causes the target to release their grip Rennervate- Counters Stupefy Reparo- Repairs an object Repello Inimicum- Repels enemies Repello Muggletum- Repels Muggles Repulso- Repulses the target or object Revelio- Reveals objects Rictusempra- Causes the target to laugh uncontrollably Riddikulus- Dispels a boggart Salvio Hexia- Deflects Hexes Scourgify- Cleans and object Sectumsempra- Creates violent slashes in the target Serpensortia- Conjures a snake Silencio- Silences the target Sonorous- Makes the caster’s voice louder Specialis Revelio- Identifies the contents of a potion Stupefy- Stuns the target Surgito- Removes enchantments placed on the target Tarantallegra- Makes the target’s legs do a dance Tergeo- Siphons off grease and water Ventus- Pushes the target back with wind Vera Verto- Turns animals into goblets Vipera Evanesca- Vanishes a snake Vulnera Saneteur- Heals wounds Waddiwasi- Makes small objects zoom up nostrils Wingardium Leviosa- Makes the target float Note: The spell, Avada Kedavra, has been exempted from this list as it is the worst spell out there. Harry Potter Spells from the Video Games: Aqua Eructo- Conjures water Baubillious- Creates lightning Calvario- Makes the target bald Cantis- Makes the target sing uncontrollably Carpe Retractum- Sucks the target toward you Colloshoo- Makes the target’s shoes stick to the ground Colorvia- Changes the color of an object Crinus Muto- Changes the color of the caster’s hair Ducklifors- Turns the target into a duck Draconifors- Turns the target into a dragon Ebublio- Creates bubbles Engorgio Skullus- Makes the target’s head swell Entomorphis- Turns the target into an insect Fumous- Creates smoke Glacius- Encases the target in ice Herbifors- Creates plants Herbivicus- Increases plant growth Homorphus- Turns a werewolf into a human Illegilibus- Makes text unreadable Inflatus- Inflates the target Lapifors- Turns the target into a rabbit Locomotor Wibbly- Makes the target’s legs collapse Melofors- Encases target’s head in a pumpkin Metelojinx- Creates a thunderstorm Mimblewimble- Binds a target’s tongue Mucus Ad Nauseum- Gives the target a bad cold Orbis- Pulls the target to the ground Redactum Skullus- Shrinks the target’s head Skurge- Clears away fungus-stuff Slugulus Eructo- Causes the target to vomit slugs Spongify- Makes the target soft Steleus- Makes the target sneeze Tentacalifors- Transforms the target’s head into a tentacle Titillando- Tickles the target Vermillious- Conjures red sparks Verdillious- Conjures green sparks Canon H.P. Spells with unknown incantations Age Line Anti Cheating Spell Anti Disapparition Jinx Anti Intruder Jinx Antonin Dolohov’s Curse Arrow Shooting Spell Babbling Curse Bat Bogey Hex Bedazzling Hex Bewitched Snowballs Bluebell flames Broom Jinx Hurling Hex Bubble-Head Charm Caterwauling Charm Cheering Charm Conjunctivitis Curse Disillusionment Charm Drought Charm Ears to Kumquats Entrail Expelling Curse Feather Light Charm Fiendfyre Flagrante Curse Flame Freezing Charm Protean Charm Horcrux Spell Hot-Air Charm Hover Charm Hurling Hex Imperturbable Charm Inanimatus Conjurus Intruder Charm Jelly Legs Jinx Obliteration Charm Permanent Sticky Charm Refilling Charm Sea Urchin Jinx Stealth Sensory Spell Stinging Jinx Stretching Jinx Supersensory Charm Switching Spell Taboo Transmogrifian Torture Unbreakable Vow
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