Advice on Creating Your Wizarding World Fact File

Good advice on creating your Wizarding World identity.

Last Updated






Chapter 1

Chapter 1
When you create your Wizarding World identity, you can either create a fact file, or write a story. If you're creating a fact file have at least these things: Name: House: Wand (wood and core): Patronus: Blood Status: Year at Hogwarts: You can also have Special Ability (e.g. Metamorphmagus, Animagus, Legilimens): Pet(s): Quidditch Position: Quidditch Team (not the Hogwarts Teams): Favorite Character: Favorite Harry Potter book: Favorite Hogwarts Subject: If you want to have a more complicated fact file, then do that, but then also write a paragraph or two about your backstory and such. I hope this was helpful!
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