
written by Louisa S R W

Followers of Lord Voldemort

Last Updated






Who what where why

Chapter 1
These people formed, in essence the lowest rank of Death Eater society. Was I afraid of them? No, not really. did I have cause to be? Yes probably. They were so named because they snatched people up. It was an organization formed by my father when he took control of the Ministry of Magic. They were set up even before then but the name and term only came into place when control had been taken. To all intense purposes they were bounty hunters. Most think of them working for Lord Voldemort on the search for Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, but they also rounded up Muggle-borns, blood traitors, undesirables and also various objects that my father wanted out of the “public domain”. These objects would then be taken away and, let us say stored in another location. Snatchers were notorious for not being the brightest people but part of being a snatcher is being hidden, so you can sneak up on people that have no idea you are coming. I know that during the 2nd Wizarding War various people were killed by snatchers including Ted Tonks, Dirk Cresswell and Gornuk. Other people were simply captured and managed to escape. These include Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Griphook, Luna Lovegood and Dean Thomas. I have had various accusations about me being a snatcher notably the unidentified female snatcher in Deathly Hallows but I can assure you that these are not at all true the truth is unfortunately far more disturbing than anything you can make up.
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