Hogwarts Daily News Issue #119

written by Jess Granger

Read about the Slytherin Common Room, the best websites, Disney princesses sorted into houses, Pure-Blood families and why Hermione should've been put into Ravenclaw!

Last Updated






House Pride - Slytherin Common Room

Chapter 1
The Slytherin common room is located in the Slytherin dungeon room. The main way a Slytherin student can go down to the common room, is through a door on the right side of the entrance hall. Behind that door is a set of stone steps that leads all the way down to the dungeons. Once you reach the door to the common room, there is a bare stone wall. You will need a password in order to actually enter the password.

The common room is decorated with greenish lamps, green chairs, leather sofas, skulls, and dark wood cupboards. Also, because the dungeon is halfway under the Black Lake, the whole common room has a tint of green. The common room is also decorated with Medieval tapestries which show the adventures of famous medieval Slytherins. The password for the common room is changed every two weeks, because the Slytherins take pride in not having any outsider enter the common room in over seven centuries.


Sources: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Slytherin_Common_Room, https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Slytherin_Dungeon

- Belle Lestrange, Head Writer and Co-manager of HDN books