Secret Love

written by Brownie

Young Romance Ivan Stone Felicia Jennings Finnian Jennings

Last Updated






Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Ivan Stone: "Just now. So what did you have to come in early for?" I sighed as I feel comfortable sitting in the seat, relaxing for once. "Just for football tryouts and to change my schedule so that I'll have 8th period free for practices." Finnian said sleepily I nod knowing that he was trying to work everything out so that he can still do sports and be in a lot of classes. He was really smart and even though he concentrated more on sports he really wants to get into a college from both his athletic ability and his brain. Though, college is a few years away so I don't get why he's trying so hard for this. I'm not like Fin. He is hardworking and dedicated to his things, but me on the other hand, I just go with the flow. I can't change the fact that my parents don't want to see me and that's why they aren't around much so why try at anything. Fin acts like an older brother to me because he knows that if he doesn't keep me in line, I'll drop out. I think back to Felicia and sigh. Fin looks over at me and I just look away. Fin has his mother's cunning and beautiful blue eyes but had his father's dark dirty blonde hair that swept over his forehead. Felicia on the other hand has soft light green eyes that turn to dark green when she is upset or mad. It's very phenomenal to me and I like it. She had long bright blonde hair that almost looks white. She has her mother's graceness presence. She also has very pink lips and I smile to myself just thinking about it. I shake myself from daydreaming about her. Fin still is looking at me with a weird expression on his face. "..hey um.. Ivan..can I talk to you...about something...important.later?..." he falters. I just nod my head and wonder what he had to tell me. Fin is usually straightforward about telling people what he thinks most of the time. My thought is forgotten for the moment as the teacher walks in and everyone takes out their notebook. The day moves on and I get very tired by 5th period. My eyes are drooping as the teacher is talking about what he expects from the class. I feel myself drifting off into sleep. I didn't get much sleep last night like always. "Mr. Stone please do pay attention during my class." My teacher said slamming his notebook onto my desk. I jerk up and his eyes are cold. I rub my eyes. "Yes sir, I'll try" I said and he walks back to the front of the class. I look over at Fin and he just shrugs slightly at me. I could tell that this teacher was new to this school. None of the teachers minded if I fell asleep since they know about my parents not being around and me not getting much sleep. I usually just study at home and I'm fine with homework but if I need help Fin is always there to help me. I just shrug it off. It's not like I'm failing because I have pretty good grades thanks to Fin. I don't pay attention still and I try my best not to fall back asleep. I get bored of him telling us stuff the whole class already knows. I sigh and just doodle in my notebook. I'm actually pretty good at drawing. I keep looking over at Fin as I sketch him as he lays his head on his desk exhausted already. I sketch his almost dreary eyes and how his hair sweeps over his forehead. The bell then blasted into the air and I hurriedly grab my things. Me and Fin walk to out lockers and stuff our things into it. We walk down the hall to the cafeteria for lunch. Fin grabs my arm and pulls me back down the hall in the opposite direction. "What are you doing? Lunch is this way." I said giving him a confused look. "Hold up a second. I wanna check on Fels" he said still pulling me. I give in though my stomach growls at me loudly. We wait by the doors to the cafeteria and wait until we see Felicia walking to lunch like everyone else. Her head is down and it didn't look like she had a good day so far.
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