Did the groundhog see his shadow? 2021
written by Cormune
Last Updated
More winter. . . .
Chapter 1
The 2021 annual Groundhog Day is on Feb 2. On February 2, 1887 Groundhog Day started with groundhog meteorologist Phil. This is the 134th anniversary of the groundhog either seeing his shadow or not.
His longest streak of seeing his shadow is 21 years from 1913 to 1933 and his longest streak of not seeing his shadow is 2 years between 2019 and 2020. The only time Phil ever didn't show at all is in 1943, the time of WWII.
For those of you who don't know what birngs winter and what brings spring, here you go:
Phil sees his shadow - 6 weeks more of winter
Phil doesn't see his shadow - early spring
The science (kind of). The clear sky means that the suncan shine so when Phil comes out of his den, he sees his shadow, therefore, more winter. The the sky is cloudy, Phil doesn't see his shadow, therefore, early spring.
BTW/P.S. Phil isn't always 100% correct. He's not even 50% correct most of the time. Scientists predict that Phil is correct somewhere between 35% of the time and 40% of the time.