Owl Post from Sevie
written by Louisa S R W
Letter from Sevie to us about life at Hogwarts.
Last Updated
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Chapter 2
Dear Mum, Dad and Bertie
Life at Hogwarts has been really hard. I’m ok though, flying lessons are going well and Herbology is good.
I am reading the book you gave me for potions and trying to ignore the people that are mean to me.
No giving in to the tormentors, right?
Professor Flitwick and a few other professors make us use the bubble-head charm in his class, he says that it will protect us from any bacteria but I don’t see how.
Professor Longbottom has given us a plant to eat before class. I don’t think it is gillyweed, although it could be. I think it is an anti-bacterial fungus. Seems pointless though.
In potions and defence against the dark arts though, we are using the Wiggenweld potion. I looked it up in my book.
Is Bertie still worried about which house he’ll be in? I don’t know which he’ll be in. It is difficult to tell.
Tell Aunt Delphi that I am thinking of her.
Lots of love Sevie xxx
Life at Hogwarts has been really hard. I’m ok though, flying lessons are going well and Herbology is good.
I am reading the book you gave me for potions and trying to ignore the people that are mean to me.
No giving in to the tormentors, right?
Professor Flitwick and a few other professors make us use the bubble-head charm in his class, he says that it will protect us from any bacteria but I don’t see how.
Professor Longbottom has given us a plant to eat before class. I don’t think it is gillyweed, although it could be. I think it is an anti-bacterial fungus. Seems pointless though.
In potions and defence against the dark arts though, we are using the Wiggenweld potion. I looked it up in my book.
Is Bertie still worried about which house he’ll be in? I don’t know which he’ll be in. It is difficult to tell.
Tell Aunt Delphi that I am thinking of her.
Lots of love Sevie xxx