What Does Your Patronus Say About Your Personality?
written by Brightsky
A complete description of almost all Patronuses and what it means about the caster. Read if you really want to research your part! P.S. Go ahead and copy! Take whatever you need for a roleplay or backstory, just please don't take info to write another book just like this. Thank you so much!
Last Updated
Chapter 10
King Cobra - The king cobra is the world's longest venomous snake, capable of swallowing prey larger than its own head. Keen-eyed with sharp senses, this snake rarely bites humans but can be highly aggressive if provoked. The king cobra is a powerful Patronus, warding Dementors away with its intimidating hiss and beautifully scaled hood.
Kingfisher - The kingfisher’s boldness in every aspect certainly doesn’t exclude its vivid, striking appearance. Filled with determination, kingfishers are willing to do anything to get what they deem necessary and in order to achieve their dreams, even if it may not seem like the best plan at the onset.