written by Louisa S R W
Did you know there are 2 different types of Troll???
Last Updated
Chapter 2
The other type of Troll is almost the complete opposite. They are very dangerous, possess no magic of any kind and can me found anywhere in the world. These are internet trolls. You can’t see them. They can pretend to be anyone or anything they want to be.
These are the ones that I want you all to be very, very, careful about. These people can work out how to get into your mind, your computer and are incredibly intelligent. If you are not sure then tell someone. Don’t give them money. I’m not telling you because you are stupid. Young or old, anyone can get used as part of a scam. If you don’t understand there are videos on youtube. That are easy to watch and take no time at all.
These are the ones that I want you all to be very, very, careful about. These people can work out how to get into your mind, your computer and are incredibly intelligent. If you are not sure then tell someone. Don’t give them money. I’m not telling you because you are stupid. Young or old, anyone can get used as part of a scam. If you don’t understand there are videos on youtube. That are easy to watch and take no time at all.