written by Louisa S R W
The biggest what if questions of my life and in Harry Potter
Last Updated
Battle Ends
Chapter 5
The Battle of Hogwarts would only have happened if Voldemort had found a way to come back, which I find unlikely. However, with an increased likelihood of a sibling it is possible that it is my sibling that takes on the “bidding of Voldemort” and either finds a way to bring him back or becomes the “new Voldemort” in some way. I know it sounds terrible. BUT with no Battle of Hogwarts many people would be alive (such as Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks and Fred Weasley) and yet many oth-ers could be dead or non-existent. By this I mean Delphini. It may be mean of me to say but I feel that, out of the two of us, she was born out of hate and revenge. (hence perhaps some of her character flaws in re-sent months). It is possible that there would be no Delphini.
After that I don’t know where to go. The sky is the limit really. I could marry any number of people and have any number of different children. I don’t know who they would be and I don’t know what they would be like. I just hope that just and good is something that they have in them.
After that I don’t know where to go. The sky is the limit really. I could marry any number of people and have any number of different children. I don’t know who they would be and I don’t know what they would be like. I just hope that just and good is something that they have in them.