written by Louisa S R W
The biggest what if questions of my life and in Harry Potter
Last Updated
Chapter 1
You get to a certain state, perhaps even a stage of life when your belief of the “what if” becomes sincerely heightened. It makes you question everything. I know that over the years I have done this and will no doubt do it again. I have thought about what it would have been like if I had married different people. If it had been me and not Ginny that had written in the diary. Every time I get different results and every time I get left with the same result. A sense of wondering which was better.
Today I wanted to look at my life in regards to “what if my mum had never died.” I actually find this to be an interesting and some what scary thought. Because everything that I understand my life to be is a direct result of this one single event.
I guess we have to start with what I know, or at least what I have been told about her during my life by various people. That is that she, very much like Bill Weasley was a curse breaker. And worked predominantly for Gringotts. I also know that she was sorted into Gryffindor. It is possible that Ravenclaw was also a possiblilty but Gryffindor was the final result and my Uncle Snape into Slytherin. This I knew from an early age and was told by my Uncle Severus, Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. This tells us quite a bit about her character. I also know, from Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy that she was the one that told him to kill her, practically assassinating herself. I thought at one stage of my life that Bellatrix was to blame but I don’t know if she truly was. This means that there was a reason for my mother’s sacrifice. At such a young age I can only guess at the reasons, but for the sake of this book I will attempt to have a go.