Please help me
written by El
I need advice...... anyone willing to help me out, please message me privately, not on my page.
Last Updated
Tje second wierd thing
Chapter 3
Ok, ill admit, i was a little stunned after the weather spell working, and all these thoughts were rushing through my head. I was eager to try out more, so i used the Harry Potter
wengardium leviOsa spell, just for fun, and i used it on a small piece of paper i had torn oit of my art book. I dont know if im just going crazy or not, but i couldve sworn the paper floated up a few centimetres then dropped.
Tjats only a couple of the things that have happened. Remember, if you want to helo me out, which no one probs will, ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ, please message me.
thank you! Also, it would be great if you could recommend me really good quality wands £15 or under that i could try out.
Have a nice day!