A-Z Harry Potter

written by Louisa S R W

The Complete A-Z Guide to Harry Potter. Please enjoy and I hope you find it interesting.

Last Updated







Chapter 3
B is for: BADGER: Omnivorous mammal of the Mustelidae family. (Not easy to say, but an interesting fact) and it is the mascot for the Hufflepuff House. BASILISK: A type of snake that can kill you just by looking at it. Spiders run from this snake and its venom is highly toxic. It can also petrify people. Salazar Slytherin hid one in the dungeons of Hogwarts. BATTLE: It seems that this happens all the time. There was always a battle and always a winner and a loser. BEAST: According to the Ministry a Beast is not intelligent enough to understand laws although centaurs and merpeople are classified as beasts by their own will. BEATER: A position played in Quidditch, notably by Fred and George Weasley. These people have to hit the bludger away from other members of the team in order for them to catch either the snitch or quaffle. BEAUXBATONS ACADEMY: This is the school for witches and wizards in France. It lies on the borders of france and spain. BEING: Any creature that understands laws of the ministry, this mainly means witches and wizards but also includes hags. BELLATRIX LESTRANGE: Bellatrix Lestrange was born Bellatrix Black and is the older sister to Narcissa Malfoy and Andromeda Tonks. She is the mother of my half-sister Delphini Lestrange-Riddle, making her in part my step mother. She was killed at the Battle of Hogwarts by Molly Weasley. BERTIE WEASLEY: My son Bertie Weasley, will go to Hogwarts but we are yet to see where he will be placed. His full name is Bartholomew Weasley and he loves Riddles. BILL WEASLEY: The Eldest of the Weasley siblings Bill works as a Curse Braker for Gringotts. He is married to Fleur (née Delacour) and is the husband of Victoire, Dominique and Louis. He is my Brother in law and just before the Battle of Hogwarts he was attacked by a Werewolf. He has not become a werewolf but he does like rawer meat now. It's lucky he married a French woman really. BILLYWIG: Very strange creatures that are actually an ingredient in Fizzing Whizzbies. They are native to Australia and fly incredibly fast. BLOODY BARON: Is the ghost of Slytherin House and one of the only things that are able to calm peeves the poltergeist down. BORGIN AND BURKES: A shop located in Knockturn Alley that sells Antiques mainly to do with the dark arts. it is where my father once worked when he was a young man. BOWTRUCKLE: Magical creatures that look quite like stick insects and live in trees known for magical abilities and producing wood that is good for making wands. BRAVE: This is a sign of a person that is sorted into the house of Gryffindor. BROOMSTICK: Not just for sweeping. In the world of magic we use them more for flying. BUCKBEAK: the name given to the Hippogriff that lived with Hagrid and then Sirius. BUNDIMUN: Is a magical beast the resembles a greenish fungus. BURROW: The name given to the house that the Weasley family live in.
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