First Years Guide to Ace Charms: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for CHRM-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Lesson Six: Applying Your Will Study Guide
Chapter 7
Willpower is essentially your mental power. You push your willpower with force in your mind. In Muggles, willpower is the skill of emotion changing, to refrain from evil intentions, & to make an opinion known to others. Magical people use willpower as a means to use magic. If you put more willpower when casting a spell & it fails, it will have a harsh backfire. If you don't practice & you use a lot of magic, you may have a nasty headache. The Wand-Lighting Charm is fairly easy to cast with a small amount of willpower.
The Sticking Charm
Incantation: Astrictus (a-STRIK-toose)
Wand Movement: An infinity symbol, starting & ending in the center
Willpower: High
Concentration: Medium