Lucid Dreaming: A Diary Of Victoria Laity
This is a Diary of my nights when I lucid dream. For those interested, and so that I can keep better track of how often I actually lucid dream. This is not me trying. This is something I do naturally and have been doing naturally for many years now.
Last Updated
The Information Chapter
Chapter 1
Hello, My name is Victoria. I have decided that from now on, I wanted to keep better track of how much I actually lucid dream. Every time I lucid dream, I remember the dream perfectly. So I will make sure that each new chapter is posted the next morning/afternoon. Think of this more as a blog, but I like to look at this type of dreaming, as something magical, which is why I decided to post it here. I really do like posting stories, so I will be writing each chapter as if I'm telling a short story. In a new chapter, I will never acknowledge the fact that this was a dream. I will only give that night's date. I will just tell the story as if I were coming up with it on the spot. The dreams happen to play out that way anyway, but either way, I will fill in blank spots. And at the end of each chapter, I will give a list of things that I remember and/or didn't catch that always confirmed I was dreaming. Such as not being able to run, or read, or something like that.
Now be aware that I am not one to fly in a dream, my dreams, for the most part, don't usually include something supernatural, I never give myself powers, or create things out of thin air. For example, if I want a sword, I don't make it appear in my hand, I go to another room and get one.
I can't wait to finally see how often I really do this.
And I hope you will stick along for the ride.