Shifting 101
This book will be giving you guidance and tips on shifting, it will basically be talking about what shifting is, everything you need to know about it, and how to shift (if you haven't) or how to shift easily
Last Updated
Chapter 7
Many shifters have had some symptoms when trying to shift. This is absolutely normal and can happen to some people.
Symptoms are little weird feelings you have in your body that let you know that you are actually starting to shift. If you feel these symptoms then do not get scared or panicked and say some affirmations or keep concentrating or visualising in your head.
Affirmations are like sayings ("I am shifting" "I will shift" etc.)
These symptoms are:
Felling numb or tickly
Feeling a bit itchy on some parts of your body
Seeing white light while your eyes are closed Feeling like your floating or drowning
If you feel these at times stay calm and remember that you are just very relaxed which makes these feelings on your body come to you.