The Freezing Charm
Incantation: Immobulus (ih - MOH -byoo - luhs)
Wand Movement:The wand movement is a tricky one. It is hard to explain so please click <a href=https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Freezing_Spell?file=Glacius_movement.png>here</a> to view what the hand movement looks like.
Willpower: Low
Concentration: Low
The Freezing Charm makes the target freeze (obviously). This spell was used by Hermione Granger in her second year in 1993. Click <a href=https://harry-potter-compendium.fandom.com/wiki/Freezing_Charm>here</a> for some more info on the Freezing Charm. I think the spell was invented by Miranda Goshawk.
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The Slowing Charm
Incantation: Arresto Momentum (ah - REST - oh mo - men - tum)
Wand Movement: Wave wand
Willpower: Medium; depends on the weight of the target.
Concentration: Medium
This spell was invented by Daisy Pennifold in 1711 for use for the Quaffle in Quidditch.
Dumbledore used this spell in 1994 when Harry fell off his broomstick in his forth year.)
Click <a href=https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Slowing_Charm>here</a> for some more information on the slowing Charm!