The Stunning Spell
Incantation: Stupefy (stew - PUH - fye)
Wand Movement: Straight line (down)
Willpower: High
Concentration: Medium
Please do NOT ever use this spell in class, no where in Hogwarts. Yes, you can use this spell when you're fighting, but don't use it for stupid reasons. The inventor of the spell is unknown. Hermione and Ron used this spell in the Department of Mysteries, and many other people. This spell, obviously, stuns the person.
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The Disarming Spell
Incantation: Expelliarmus (ex - pelli - ARMOS)
Wand Movement: Please click <a href=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/harrypotter/images/c/ce/Disarming-charm.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/75?cb=20120711184003>here</a> to view the wand movement.
Willpower: High
Concentration: High
The Disarming spell makes the target, (whatever it is holding, particularly his/her wand) fly out of their hand. This is a useful spell, particularly when fighting someone. It is not known precisely who created the Disarming Charm. Some wizarding historians claim that it may have been invented by Merlin himself, others claim that its first widespread use was in Madagascar in the 11th century.