Fred Weasley x Reader (y/n fanfic)

written by Olivia Adams

if you're as in love with fred as i am then you might want to read this <3

Last Updated






Quidditch World Cup

Chapter 3
It doesn’t seem more than 10 minutes before Mr. Weasley is in my room telling me to get up. I groan and pull off the covers. I pull out some loose fit clothing. I go into the bathroom and change into my clothing, brush my teeth, and do my makeup. When I step out Fred is waiting by the door.

“Took you long enough.” He rolls his eyes.

“A lady needs her time, Freddie,” I reply smugly.

“Whatever, darling.” He turns into the bathroom and closes the door. I walk back to Ginny’s room and put my other clothes back into the trunk along with my other items. I run downstairs to eat breakfast and everyone is at the table except Fred and Percy.

“Good morning, everyone.” I smile and sit down next to George.

“Freddie, you better get down here before I sit next to your girlfriend!” Ginny yells upstairs. I hear Fred thump down the stairs.

“She is not my girlfriend, Ginny.” He gasps.

“Right, Fred.” Ginny rolls her eyes. Fred sits down next to me and waves.

“Would you two stop fawning over each other so we can eat?” Ron sighs.

“Oh as if I would fawn over him,” I say. Fred dramatically sighs and slaps his chest. He falls back in his chair.

“And what’s wrong with Freddie?” George asks.

“Well, nothing but. No. Nothing.” I reply. Fred gets up and sits back down.

“Hm.” Mrs. Weasley says.

“We’d better eat quickly, we must leave soon,” Arthur says, wiping his face with a napkin. The twins start shoveling food into their mouths and I laugh.

“Alright boys and girls let’s go,” Arthur says, standing up from the table. Everyone follows Arthur out the door.

“You guys have fun and be safe!” Mrs. Weasley shouts out the door. We start walking towards the large hill.

Fred starts singing loudly and George joins in. They’re singing the Hoggy Warty Hogwarts song. They urge me to sing with them so I smile and start belting the words.

“You three are so obnoxious for 3 in the morning, oh my lord.” Hermione groans. Ginny sleepily laughs.
Fred, George, and I are wide awake. We all link arms and quickly march up the hill in synchronized steps. When we reached the top everyone else was still near the bottom.

“M’ Lady.” Fred extends his hand out to me and curtsies. I giggle and take his hand. He spins me around and we start dancing. Neither of us are great at it but that just adds to the fun. When the others reach the top they roll their eyes.

“Everyone gather ‘round,” Arthur announces. We all go stand by an old musty boot.

“Uh, that thing looks RUSTY,” I say.

“We really have to touch the dusty old boot?” I whine.

“Why are we all circling this manky old boot?” Harry asks.

“It’s not just any old manky boot,” Fred says.

“It’s a portkey!” George explains.

“Everyone grab ahold!” Arthur says. Everyone reaches out and touches the boot. Before Fred and I are able to, he grabs my hand and then reaches for it.

When we arrive at the campgrounds for the Quidditch World Cup, Fred is still holding my hand. He looks down, blushes, and let’s go.

“Did you all see that? Freddie boy and y/n were holding hands. Aww.” George announces for everyone to hear.

“Shut up, Georgie.” I lightly smack him on the shoulder.

Mr. Weasley pulls out his muggle money and asks Hermione to tell him what is what. Once they have it all situated, Mr. Weasley walks up to pay for the campsite. He fumbles with the money, The clerk tells him all about the weird people, and how everyone knows each other.

“There was one guy who tried to pay with a handful of golden coins.” The clerk says.

“Oh really? That’s weird.” Mr. Weasley chuckles.

He walks back over and we’re all having a conversation about Harry’s cousin, Dudley.

“Oh, his face was downright awesome when he ate the candy. He went all purple.” I laughed.

“Stop talking about that poor boy. It wasn't funny, and we musn’t mention it in front of muggles.” Mr. Weasley laughs. We walk to the campsite and begin setting up the large tent.

“Fred, George, would you like to walk around with me?” I ask.

“Yes,” Fred answers immediately.

“You three be back in time for the match, okay?” Percy says.

“Got it, humungous bighead,” Fred replies. Percy scoffs and we head out the opening of the tent. I see they haven't refrained from calling Percy humungous bighead despite his graduation.

We head to the other portkey that takes us to the magical side of the campsite.

“Will you two just get together already? Freddie, I know you fancy her, just tell her.” I hear George whisper under his breath.

Fred whispers back and I can’t make out what he says.

“Keeping secrets, are we boys?” I ask in a sing-song voice.

“Nope. Not at all.” Fred says.

“Then why are you whispering behind my back? George?” I turn around to face them.

“No reason really.” George announces.

He starts singing some song I’ve never heard and Fred joins in. I laugh. We go into a shop that’s selling Irish team clothing. I pay for everyone’s gear so they don’t have to spend their money.
We walk out wearing Irish team colors on our cheeks and scarves. Fred and George are wearing Irish hats. We walk back to the tent together because the match is about to start. When we arrive Barty Crouch is in the tent, we overhear him call Percy ‘Weatherby’. The three of us snicker. When Mr. Crouch leaves we all make fun of Percy.

“Having a good day, are we Weatherby?” George asks.

“Guys let’s leave Weatherb-I mean Percy alone.” I try and play it off cool. Percy seems angry as hell now.
Mr. Bagman enters the tent and bets with Fred and George. They look at each other and smile.

“We think the Irish will win but Krum will catch the snitch.” They grin at Mr. Bagman.

“You’re on.” Mr. Bagman puts his share of galleons, sickles, and knuts into a bag, the twins do the same. Once Mr. Bagman leaves I sit down next to the twins.

“Took my idea, huh?” I tease them.

“It seems right.” They shrug and say at the same time.

“Alright, the match is about to start, we should get to our seats,” Arthur says, grabbing his coat. We walk up what seems to be the longest staircase in history.

“How far up are we?” Harry asks Mr. Weasley.

“Let’s put it this way if it rains you’ll be the first to know.” Lucius Malfoy answers Harry’s question.

“Father and I are in the ministry’s box, by personal invitation from Cornelius Fudge himself,” Draco shouts proudly.

“Put a sock in it, Malfoy.” Ron rolls his eyes.

“Don’t boast, Draco.” His father pushes him with his cane.

I snicker and Draco looks at me coldly.

“Problem, Draco?” I ask.

“Don’t use my first name.” He sternly says. Fred puts his hand on my shoulder and pulls me away from the conversation to avoid any further arguing.

“Oh c’mon Fred, I wasn’t gonna hit him or anything.” I laugh.

“Why? You should.” Fred giggles.

"Oh, Fred. Don't you know that you shouldn't hit people?" I scold him kindly.

"Right, yeah." He shyly says.

I smile at him and turn back to the Weasley family. We continue walking to our seats and eventually sit down. After a few moments of dull chatter everyone starts cheering.

"There's the Irish!" The twins gape at the green and silver men on broomsticks.

"It's the Bulgarians!" Ron shouts. There's a large smile plastered across his face. The Bulgarian Quidditch players break through the dancing Leprechaun.

"And there's Krum!" Harry taps Ron's shoulder and points to the Quidditch player. I star in awe watching them fly through the air.

The match goes on for a few hours and we head back to the tent.

"There's no one like Krum. He's a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist!" Ron smiles.

"Think you're in love Ron?" Ginny teases him.

"Krummm." The twins rumble underneath their breath.

"Viktor, I love you. Viktor I do!" The twins sing to Ron. We all join in and dance around him.

"When we're apart my heart only beats for you." They continue.

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." Fred says.

"It's not the Irish. We've got to get out. Now." Arthur hustles us out of the tent. Mostly everything is either on fire or already burnt. The sky is dark and cloudy.

"That's right, everyone stick together." Arthur says.

"Everyone get back to the Portkey. Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility." He shouts.

I can't remember much of what happens next, but I remember seeing a man hold up a wand and shout something. Next thing you know the Dark Lord's mark is in the air. We become surrounded by Ministry members. They start shooting their wands at us.

"Which of you conjured this." Barty Crouch sternly says, pointing towards the sky.

"None of us." I say.

"Do you really think some 14 year old kids could conjure the mark of the Dark Lord? You've got to be absolutely mental if you think that." I stare him in the eyes and say.

"Do not lie! You have been discovered at the scene of the crime!" He shouts.

"There was a man. He shouted something. An incantation." Hermione says.

"Yeah, he slightly resembled your son Barty." I quietly say.

"It could not be my son." He scolds.

"Go back to the portkey." He says.

"Hey look!" Hermione points to the shrubs. There's an elf holding a wand.

"That's my wand!" Harry grabs his wand from her and walks away.

"Winky! What are you doing with Mr. Potter's wand?" Barty asks the small elf.

"Winky has found it in the woods." The elf says in a high pitched voice, cowering down.

"Let me see it." Barty snatches the wand from the elf and says the incantation to see the last spell used.

The wand let's out a mini replica of the Dark Mark into the air and Arthur quickly blurs it away.

"Harry couldn't have done it because his wand went missing while we were watching the match." I quickly remark.

"Do not lie to me girl." Barty scolds. I've had about enough of him at this point.

"Why do you assume I'm lying? Your house elf was found with the wand used to create it, yet you still put the blame on Harry. Are you really that thick? You daft old fish." I basically yell.

"Y/n!" Harry hits my arm

*Hey! I'm not done writing this story :( I will continue writing soon! Much love- Olivia Adams <3 (12/10/2020)*
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