A Place In The Tribe
Everyone who has read A Place In The Clans, please read this!
Last Updated
Your Role
Chapter 2
Would you rather:
A) Play in the sandy patch in the back of the cave
B) Gossip about the rate of eagle chicks this year
C) Practice your hunting
D) Help train the to-bes
E) Consult the Tribe of endless hunting
F) Go hunting
You are:
A) Optimistic and goofy
B) Gentle and loving
C) Inexperienced and carefree
D) Strong and experienced
E) A natural leader
F) Lithe and agile
The perfect way to relax after a long day is:
A) Go to sleep
B) Talk with the other nursing females
C) Argue about who will be the best cave-guard
D) Practice your fighting skills
E) Retreat into your cave and think
F) Share prey (that you caught) with your mate
Your favorite food is:
A) Your mother's milk
B) A nice fresh rabbit
C) A fat eagle chick
D) A fresh hawk
E) Food? I don't have time for food, I'm too busy
F) Something that you caught earlier, you're not picky
You are most often found:
A) Play-fighting with your denmates
B) Nursing your kits
C) Arguing with your fellow to-bes on who did best in today's training session
D) Guarding things that you are supposed to be guarding
E) Looking mysterious and consulting the Tribe of Endless Hunting
F) Hunting
Results: If you picked mostly A's, you are a Kit. Mostly B's, you are a Kit- mother. C's, a To-be. D's, a Cave-guard, E's, a Leader, and F's, a Prey-hunter.