Advanced Potion-Making
written by Alistar
This book is copied entirely off of Harry Potter Wiki, which in my opinion is very reliable. Real life substitutes coming soon.
Last Updated
Confusing concoction
Chapter 4
"These plants are most efficacious in the inflaming of the brain, and are therefore much used in Confusing and Befuddlement Draughts, where the wizard is desirous of producing hot-headedness and recklessness…"
—A passage about the uses of scurvy grass, lovage, and sneezewort
The Confusing Concoction, also known as Confusing Draught, is a potion which causes confusion in the drinker. Its known ingredients are scurvy grass, lovage, and sneezewort.
(No brewing instructions available.)
—A passage about the uses of scurvy grass, lovage, and sneezewort
The Confusing Concoction, also known as Confusing Draught, is a potion which causes confusion in the drinker. Its known ingredients are scurvy grass, lovage, and sneezewort.
(No brewing instructions available.)