Not such a good friend
written by Louisa S R W
The ones that I don't want to remember.
Last Updated
The REAL best friends
Chapter 1
I have spoken about many people on here. I went to school with a lot of them, I look to them as family because in all honesty I have had to build my own family from remnants of what came before. You know GEORGE was my first best friend and has stayed true. DRACO became a best friend too. I would like to think that they would defend me because I know I would defend them. They are my true best friends. It doesn't matter if we don't see each other we are always there and somehow pick up where we left off again.
This is about the NOT such good friends that I have had and maybe you don't hear so much about. They deserve a mention too. But they will never be my best friends.
This is about the NOT such good friends that I have had and maybe you don't hear so much about. They deserve a mention too. But they will never be my best friends.