First Flying lessons

written by Louisa S R W

My first flying lessons.

Last Updated






Weasley Lessons

Chapter 2
1st May 1990 - Out in the quidditch pitch George: Hi, Louisa Fred: We can call you Lou right? Me: I guess George: you coming to the match? Fred: Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw Fred and George: tough match we reckon. Me: I'll have to ask Professor Snape. Dumbledore may not let me. Fred and George: Sure he will!!! George: what you doing? Me: oh er... nothing. Fred: you'll never manage it like that. Me: But the others just hop on. George: Nah got to command it. Fred: Believe it, feel it, mean it. Me: oh. George: it's like everything else you need passion if you ain't got that you ain't got anything. Fred: Yeah you need to love the broom. you got your wand yet? Me: no, not yet. Charlie: alright you lot? Snape's in the Staff Room if you want to ask him, but I think he'll say yes. Me: why? Charlie: Well it's an important one and you didn't miss last year's final. Me: true Charlie: Ah, they giving you lessons? Me: yeah but it still won't do anything. Charlie: do what Ginny does, Hold, tilt, lean into it. Remember they are charmed objects. it's not like a wand... He took the broom and flew into the air. Charlie: see easy. you'll get it. Fred: show off. George: chances of us being on the team next year then? Charlie: we'll see. Me: I'll go to the staff room, see you at the match... maybe. P.S. I did go to the match and Gryffindor won !!!
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