The Secret Life of Me and...
written by Louisa S R W
Because you never get told everything. :) !!!!
Last Updated
Chapter 2
I have a feeling that he is going to get annoyed at me for saying it but I think we all know that secretly there is a wonderful muggle loving Draco somewhere in there. But did you know there is also a guitar playing, wonderfully harmonious Draco?
If you have read “how well do you know me?” you may know that I like to sing. I sing in the shower, I took music as an extra class at Hogwarts and to be honest I did it because it made me feel so much better.
I didn’t realise until doing the vanishing cabinet and staying at the Malfoy Manor that it is a Malfoy pastime. When I became friends with Draco I found out that he is also somewhat of a singing talent, although calling myself a “talent” might be pushing it a bit far. Growing up in close proximity with people at Hogwarts, they become your family, and lets face it, I didn’t have much family to call my own. At the age of 16 (when we became friends) I had an uncle that I saw every day, grandparents that I didn’t see at all, and a father that had found a way to come back from the dead. Woop. I used to enjoy this way of Malfoy life. Lucius even let me play on the piano. They truly are mysterious.
The other thing I shared with Draco was sneaking into each other’s rooms. We were terrified of some of the Death Eaters being in the house and sort comfort with one another. We didn’t need to but felt that we wanted to none the less.
If you have read “how well do you know me?” you may know that I like to sing. I sing in the shower, I took music as an extra class at Hogwarts and to be honest I did it because it made me feel so much better.
I didn’t realise until doing the vanishing cabinet and staying at the Malfoy Manor that it is a Malfoy pastime. When I became friends with Draco I found out that he is also somewhat of a singing talent, although calling myself a “talent” might be pushing it a bit far. Growing up in close proximity with people at Hogwarts, they become your family, and lets face it, I didn’t have much family to call my own. At the age of 16 (when we became friends) I had an uncle that I saw every day, grandparents that I didn’t see at all, and a father that had found a way to come back from the dead. Woop. I used to enjoy this way of Malfoy life. Lucius even let me play on the piano. They truly are mysterious.
The other thing I shared with Draco was sneaking into each other’s rooms. We were terrified of some of the Death Eaters being in the house and sort comfort with one another. We didn’t need to but felt that we wanted to none the less.