First Years Guide to Ace Herbology: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for HERB-101. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Lesson Six: Basic Blooms Part 2 Study Guide
Chapter 7
Silverweed (Potentilla Anserina)
Silverweed grows in temperate parts of the world. Silverweed needs lots of sunlight & needs slightly basic soil. Water this plant often; it loves lots of water. To harvest silverweeds, wait until dry weather. To dry the harvested herb, place in heated areas or use the drying charm. Silverweed is often used in potions & is grounded into a powder.
Nettles (Urtica Dioica)
Nettles are from Northern Europe & Asia, but can be found in Southern Europe, South Africa, & Australia. The leaves & stem have small stinging hairs. It needs full to partial sunlight & needs neutral to basic soil. This plant likes moist soil, so water it often. If you don't wear dragon hide gloves, you'll feel a stinging sensation. Nettles work well with magic & is used for potions such as the Cure for Boils & Herbicide Potion. The leaf & stem is also used in drinks such as wine & tea.
Motherworts (Leonurus Cardiaca)
Motherworts come from Southern Europe, Asia, & North America. This plant can spread vastly & can destroy other plants. Motherworts can be in the sunlight or shade, in wet or dry weather, & needs neutral to basic soil. Motherworts are used for potions to help with childbirth, pregnancy, & during breastfeeding. It can also be used for hydrophobia (rabies). The roots have no uses.
Fluxweed (Descurania Sophia)
Fluxweed comes from Western Asia & Europe. It needs full sunlight & any type of soil pH balance. This plant would rather be dry, so water it occasionally. Fluxweed helps with transformations like Polyjuice Potion or for diarrhea. Fluxweed seeds are used raw or dried in the Thirst-Quenching Quaff.
Avoid harvesting a plant with morning dew or rain on it because it will leave more moisture; which will delay the plant from drying properly.
The Dehumidifying Charm
Incantation: Arfacua (AR-fah-COO-ah)
Wand Movement: Tap on the item
Concentration/Willpower: Low to high
Fun Facts
⊱ Silverweed is a staple for grazing livestock.
⊱ Silverweed can be used in sore-removing potions, but a side effect of this is combining a person's teeth together.
⊱ Nettles help respiratory purposes & is used in hair refreshers.
⊱ Motherworts are related to mint plants.