Rickman's Snape

written by Louisa S R W

What did he say about him? well that's what you can find out here.

Last Updated







Chapter 1
If you read “Actors” there is a section, a letter of thanks, to various actors for their work. It is not much, in fact it is nothing, but to me it is so much more. It is and was my life, my memories, my head. Alan Rickman once said how there are no good or bad people just people and that is very true. It is such a just statement for many of us to hold. I want to include what he thought of him. He portrayed him, after all, and these are some of the things that Alan Rickman said. 1- There is something solitary about him, something unnameable. 2- There was always an agenda but the question was always what that agenda was going to be. 3- He is focused. 4- Mysterious. 5- Innocence. 6- Lost. 7- Resentful. 8- It’s not so much of what you choose to do, just not disobeying it. 9- Vulnerable, but you are not aware of it. 10- Brave to the end
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