The Secret Diary Of Professor Maddox
This book is a private property of Professor Autumn Maddox as she uses it to pen her thoughts and daily events. It is only meant for her eyes.
Last Updated
4 August 2014
Chapter 14
Dear Diary
Today was indeed a miserable day. Not because something happened, but I am officially sick. I checked myself into St Mungos but apparently, it seemed like I wasn't sick enough. That's kind of true, as I looked completely fine when I walked into there. However, marking and lesson planning took a toll on me as the illness turned for the worst. My nose is runny and my head is hot. My body is shivering and my feet is cold. I could hardly move from the corner of my office to my room, which was about just 3 doors away.
I'm guessing Julius must have attempted to look for me because he found me all curled up in the corner, shivering. Instantly, he took off his coat and placed it on me. Honestly, it didn't really help because I was freezing. I didn't even noticed that until he mentioned "Autumn, your hands are ice cold." Then, helped me to my room to tuck me into bed before heading off for some urgent errands in London (again). Sigh. Sometimes, I wonder how he does it - Hogwarts and Wizengamot. He looks completely energetic and well. And me, not so well.
On a happier note, I received an owl from Astarael today. She was in London, watching some muggle musical "Wicked" and she insisted that it painted a totally different picture of how witchcraft school is like. I guess I'll have to catch it someday. Maybe one day I'll surprise Julius at work, then watch that muggle musical with him. However, she insisted that I do not reply because she'll be constantly on the move.
Well, that's about all I can recall for now because my head is still in the clouds, somewhere out there.