The Mutant One
Dylan D'Imperrizler, a normal high school girl, well, not really. After a tragic experience that changed her life she faces challenges that might have her prove whether she can handle life and death. As a young girl who mainly grows up in the hospital she doesn't see how life can give her one good thing without losing it forever. She has went from sparky to dark in a way. All Dylan can think about it whether she is going to live. Will she have the outcome everyone wants for her? Or will she have to face being the side effect of the human population?
Last Updated
Chapter 3
Chapter Two:
“It’s the pizza.” Meredith told Derek as she got up to the front door. “Don’t eat it before I do.” Derek joked. The camera paused onto Meredith as she stood frozen with a big grin. Derek gets up confused and asked his wife what’s the matter. “Is that our baby?” Meredith asks joyfully. The camera turns around to the front door and you see Zola and the adoption lady. “That’s our baby!” Derek replies and rushes to open the door and takes Zola into his arms. The adoption lady just stands on their porch and admires the reunion of a true family. You can see Meredith and Derek welcome Zola with kisses, hugs, and baby talk as they hold onto their daughter. The camera zooms up on the three and you can hear the narrator tell of surprises and the title of “Grey’s Anatomy” appears.
“Cute. Sweet.” I say to myself in a mono-tone as I turn off the T.V. I plop my head back upon the pillow and stare at the blank ceiling. A month has passed since Kyle died. Just the thought of him being somewhere else and not besides me just wants me to puke. Over and over again I repeatedly tell myself that he went to Australia, and won’t come back because he found someone. It’s actually a great scenario that keeps me on my feet.
“He’s in Australia strolling through the streets hand-in-hand with a beautiful girl. He wants to write me, but he’s so distracted with his new love he just can’t keep up.” I told myself for the third time since I woke up this morning.
My crippled body drags itself out of the bed. It slowly drags it legs out of the room. I go up to a male nurse with the name of Jim. I ask him if he could roll me around for a change of scenery. Nurse Jim agrees and gets me a wheelchair and we start towards the trauma section. Nurse Jim asked me how I felt and I told him the usual; awful.
He turns us around a corner and I see the trauma center filled with many amazing disastrous cases. This is the place my dreams will come true. This field is where I’ll be the Queen. No one will compete with me. Someone calls out Code Blue and a group of medical people roll out a bed with a young teenage boy. Damn, he was injured to the bone. Man, I wish I could be in this case.
“Can we follow them, Nurse Jim?” I asked using my cancer puppy eyes as a weapon.
Jim looked at me knowing he can’t take me, but I do of course work here as a student. “Fine. Although, we’re not going into the OR.”
“Can we at least sit in the gallery?”
“Only legal medical people can go-“
“Don’t make me page Chief.” I said in a deep voice with a hint of “I will kill you.”
Nurse Jim stared at me with such bewilderment. He nodded and pushed me off to this amazing case I will be witnessing. I held a smile so wide you wouldn’t believe I was in mourning for a month. We entered an elevator up to Level 3 (ORs) and entered the gallery with just minutes away from the First Act beginning.
“Oliver Papke, age twenty-two, sever injuries in his spinal cords, harsh splinters in both of his legs, jaw cracked in three, brain swelling, and his lungs are crushed under pressure.” The fifth year resident read off to the Neuro, Plastics, Cardio, and Ortho. Each surgeon went to their area and set off to work saving this Oliver’s life. What I do to be them and cracking his chest, opening his skull, healing bones, and making a new jaw. I’m so jealous I could become insane!
“Isn’t this just a beautiful sight, Nurse Jim?” I asked with excitement in my voice.
“Would rather be watching babies be born than seeing a guy being opened at every aspect.”
I scowled at him with a sarcastic huff, “And why are you in the medical field then?”
“Just here for the bill payment.” Nurse Jim said jokingly, “No, I like taking care of people.”
“And the farthest in caring for people is not seeing their insides.”
“Not true! I’ve seen loads of insides.”
“Name three. It should be easy for you.” I retorted back at him with a sly smile. To be honest I’ve seen more than Nurse Jim has in his lifetime.
9- Dylan 1-Nurse Jim
He looked at me defeated. I laughed in his face and cheered in un-defeat. I did a little dance swaying my hands while snapping my fingers. Oh, it’s great rubbing things in people’s faces. Not that I’m saying I’m arrogant and cocky. All I’m saying is that I rule!
Each attending tend to the injuries they were destined. The mending of his broken bones being renew with new cartilage and skin from the Ortho and Plastics were started first. By the head you can see Neuro putting a tube inside the brain tending to the swelling, then tending to the damaged spinal cords after the other attendings. Where the heart is, Cardio fixes the crushed lungs and checks the heart for no damage. As the surgery on Oliver Papke came to a close I noticed Chief Andris come into the gallery and send out Nurse Jim. I looked to him confused.
“Oliver Papke, age twenty-two, got into a major car accident with three cars. He was the passenger in the front seat with his father. Everyone died in the accident, but him and his father. Although his father might not live after this severe crash he was a part of.” Chief told me. “And that father was my best friend since I was child.”
I gasped and reached out my hand from my wheelchair. He sat next to me and held my hand. “Oliver, he’s my godson.”
“Godson? So, that’s why I didn’t see you in there.” I spoke.
“Yeah. Families can’t operate on each other.”
“I’m sorry, sir. I wish I could go down there and make everything flawless for you.”
Chief Andris chuckled, “Always find a way to cheer someone up do ya?”
“Can’t help it sir?” I responded with a grin.
We sat together holding each other hands watching the rest of the surgery go by well. The results were greater than I expected and I was proud. After four hours of mending the patient Oliver, his surgery was a success. I was actually thankful nothing went wrong with the Chief’s godson. That would be a disastrous ending no one would want to be a part of.
“Great surgery Doctor Dewy, Penner, Lopez, and Lawrence! You did amazing!” I shouted into the intercom. The doctors smiled and gave me the thumbs up in response.
Chief Andris rolled me back to my room grabbing Nurse Jen on the way. He stopped at the door of my room after dropping me off and gave me a smile. Jen looked confused, but I told her what happened in the OR. She actually got a little teary when she found out “Boxtosser” was Chief’s godson.
“Boxtosser?” I asked laughing.
“Yeah!” Jen yelled. “When he was in the accident he was tossed all over. So, yeah…”
“Who made this up?”
“Doctor Lopez.”
“The head of Neuro?” I asked shocked.
“Yeah, he was all like, ‘So, you give patients nicknames? I’ve got a good one for Oliver Papke.’” She told me.
“But, Doctor Lopez always was kind. He would never come up with that.”
“I would expect Doctor Penner or Lawrence to comment like that!”
“Totally! Lopez always had a pure mouth!”
“I know right!” Jen exclaimed back.
“This is so weird. Did he get a girlfriend?” I asked confused.
“He hasn’t been hooking up since Dewy, remember?”
“Yeah, but that’s been over eight months now.” I responded.
“Eight months? No way?”
“Way!” We looked at each other and exploded in cackles. More specific, we bellowed with all our hearts.
Oliver Papke was in a medical coma until further notice. Chief Andris gave me the permission to evaluate patient Papke under supervision. Two residents in their fifth year surveyed me from the hall in case I couldn’t handle coding of the patient. Over all, I really didn’t need babysitters.
I sat next to Oliver’s side scribbling down observations and filling out charts and college/work applications. Every five minutes I would look up at Oliver and checked his SATs and monitors. He was fine at most times unless he felt his pain from the surgery he came out from. Funny thing is when I put my hand over his he calms down. When I first tried it came to a shock. I never had a patient react this way towards me.