Chaos Theory: Basics
A brief description of Chaos magic and it's short history. Written from the point of view of a Chaos User. Explanation of the turns and twists of the basics of Chaos Magic. Lest you use the magic to force yourself out of existence or kill someone by accident.
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Chapter 1
It's easy to start down the Path of Chaos, but hard to maintain the focus and the over all will to practice. Chaos Magic is a branch of magic devoted totally to the will of the user, hard to control and hard to master. As you must be able to know yourself and the complexity of the universe around you both on a personal and magical level.
This magic is a primal magic, comprised of universal magics that we cannot even begin to understand. It takes into account intent, morality, universal reality and perception of the user. It can take a deep emotional and physical toll on the user in some cases.
This book is an advanced magic book on the basics of Chaos magic. It is not to be used lightly and not to be played with it. You cannot change the existence of anything in this world without a price as with all magic. This magic can take more than you want, Based on the concept of Chaos Theory and has the same implications of consequences. Anything bad that can happen will, Murphy's Law and can also give you luck on the flip side. Chaos magic is something you have to practice, it doesn't come naturally to all. Those who do have it naturally do not live long. As magic twists the existence of the person and their mind. Most do not make it past their twenty birthday. Most magical communities do not like Chaos users because of their abilities and over all lose use of belief.
If you do not want to continue down the path,put the book up now. This is a personal account of magic I have witness and have done myself. Read at your own peril.