Snapes and Vampires
written by Louisa S R W
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Last Updated
Vampire Snape
Chapter 1
So, there has always been speculation, and references made about my Uncle Severus Snape and being a Vampire. I can tell you that there he was NOT a Vampire. His nose came from his father’s, well, more than similar qualities and his dark hair and pale skin came from his mother. I can tell you that it is typical among many woodland elves to have such features.
Another common feature that we elves share with Vampires is that we live for a long time. Vampires, because they are recognised as different beings in this realm are highlighted more often and discussed. People with elvish blood merely have an extended life, or I should say appear to age slower. Neither being is immortal. Both can be killed. I have a suspicion that Albus Dumbledore had some Elvish blood in him somewhere, due to the fact that he lived for well over 100 years old, not uncommon I know, but unless he was using a very good skincare potion, he looked incredible. He also asked for an Elvish funeral.
Purebloods, (yes called the same as in the wizarding world), can live for a very long time. The current King is around 600 years old in wizarding terms. I do not envy him.
I am also well aware that this Snape used to live in Romania. I never came across a Vampire and people never mistook me for one. Something I am equally glad of. If you read Weasleys in Romania you will see a photo of me and perhaps realise why. Charlie and I were in a Bohemian faze at the time.
Another common feature that we elves share with Vampires is that we live for a long time. Vampires, because they are recognised as different beings in this realm are highlighted more often and discussed. People with elvish blood merely have an extended life, or I should say appear to age slower. Neither being is immortal. Both can be killed. I have a suspicion that Albus Dumbledore had some Elvish blood in him somewhere, due to the fact that he lived for well over 100 years old, not uncommon I know, but unless he was using a very good skincare potion, he looked incredible. He also asked for an Elvish funeral.
Purebloods, (yes called the same as in the wizarding world), can live for a very long time. The current King is around 600 years old in wizarding terms. I do not envy him.
I am also well aware that this Snape used to live in Romania. I never came across a Vampire and people never mistook me for one. Something I am equally glad of. If you read Weasleys in Romania you will see a photo of me and perhaps realise why. Charlie and I were in a Bohemian faze at the time.