Summer Unforgetable
written by I'm Sorry
An all witch and wizard camp with evil lurking in the forest, an unforgettable summer. Bellatrix proves she is evil and cruel. I promise is really good please put on your book shelf but do not follow me.
Last Updated
Whole Book in one!
Chapter 1
"Ginny come down stairs are you will not have time for breakfast!" Ugh I had told her I was getting ready but we both knew that I was still in bed. I got up and scrambled to pull on muggle clothes. Today was the first and last time I was going to an all wizard\witch camp. I was exited Luna and Hermione were coming and neither Ron nor any other brothers could ruin the experience for me! I nearly fell down the stairs in my pursue of going down.Everyone else was at the table and I hurried to start and finish my breakfast. It is not like I wanted to leave my family, but sometimes you just need a break. I lugged my luggage out the door and dad put a thinning charm on it so I could carry it to camp. I walked while waving and went to find Luna who I would run into sooner than Hermione.
"Hi Luna" I say after about twenty minutes of walking. "Hi" she returns in her usual dreamy voice. "So is this your first time going here?" I ask breaking the awkward silence that follows. "No, second" We continue walking until I see a figure in the distance running at us. I point at the figure to far away to yet make out. "I wonder what that is" replies Luna a look of dreamy confusion on her face. "I don't know they are to far away to tell" I respond. "Wait look!" Says Luna. And I look. It is Hermione! "H-hi"She pants. "Hi"Luna and I say together. We walk the rest of the way talking about summer and the embarrassing subject of Errol. "I got a Pygmy Puff" I say steering the subject away from my faimlys ancient owl. "His name is Arnold and..." I am cut of by aloud rustle from the woods. A hooded figure steps out from behind a tree. We barley have time to scream before three stunning spells shoot at our faces.
I shift groggily on a forest floor. Wait forest floor? The memories of the past two hours flood my brain. I should look for the others, I try to talk but relies there is a cloth in my mouth. I try to spit it out but It is stuck in my mouth. I relies that I am tied up with the rope that comes out of a wand. The only thing I wonder Is who'es wand. I roll around trying to wiggle of the magical ropes. "That will not work with those you filthy blood traitor." says a horrible voice near a tree. I look over at the face and I am correct, Bellatrix LeStrange
"I let out a muffled scream and felt a foot colide with my face, hard. The lights danced before my eyes and then all I saw was black. I woke up with a start somebody was shaking me. "Ginny, Ginny they are asleep lets get out of here"! I relised that the voice was Hermione. "Wha.. how?" "Enough wiggling and a brain" she said." There" said Luna and I looked down to see my arms and legs were free. We didn't stop to talk and bolted away from the camp Bellatrix had made. But we did not run fast enough. Red and Green spells shot out of here wand, Hermione Hit the needles with a thud and I thought I heard her yell "keep going!" But who would leave anyone with that Belatrix. Luna turned before I did, But we ran together. I was the next to thud on the needles
UGH, that is what my mind screams at me. I remember my wand and think about the ministry and how Harry said the minister saw Voldemort. But the minister resigned. I weigh my chances and wiggle around touch the button on my shoe that Hermione installed. My wand is spit out onto the ground I pick it up and blow up my bonds I walk over to Hermione and Luna, bend down and blow up there bonds too. We get up and run. We see a swish of black cloak and split up. Then a blood curling scream climbs up and out of the forest. I ran toward the sound tearing through brambles and bushes. The animals around look at me as if wondering what I am doing and were I am going. I stop at an open field. Beatrix is standing over Hermione, who is breathing shallow and has a small but deep gash on her shoulder. I hear a rustle across the valley and see a glimmer of long nearly white hair, Luna. I will her to stay there and she does. I make a fire with my wand and spell "I will distract Her you mend Hermione" She writes "yes" back and I chuck a rock at Bellatrixes hair. She turns and points her wand at me and I duck glad for the practice from dogging bludgers. I see Luna creep over to Hermione and Jab her wand at her shoulder. Hermione sits up drinks in the situation and Points her wand at Bellatrix "Petrificus Totalus" she cries. Belatrix snaps together and we run for it. We stop to catch a breath and Luna says "What was that" "What was wh.." What it was we were answered a huge death eater steps in front of us but, we had a warning. I point my wand at him and he erupts in flappy things. "Bat bogey" says Hermione happily "wish I had done it!" "You saved us from Bellatrix" says Luna her voice returning to its dreamy state. "Yes but you healed this" she points to her shoulder. "Ginny did good to" Hermione adds I laugh. We use the point me charm to get home, but Luna stops us. "Should we tell them" she asks. "No" me and Hermione chorused. " agree" she said. And we never told anyone. And I never intend to.
I recommend My other books if you liked this one, I also strongley recommend Luna Johnsons work. She is a great author like really good. Lost found and Lestrange is good too. Oh and Emma Goff's books are good too, also try Hermione M. she is pretty good too.
"Hi Luna" I say after about twenty minutes of walking. "Hi" she returns in her usual dreamy voice. "So is this your first time going here?" I ask breaking the awkward silence that follows. "No, second" We continue walking until I see a figure in the distance running at us. I point at the figure to far away to yet make out. "I wonder what that is" replies Luna a look of dreamy confusion on her face. "I don't know they are to far away to tell" I respond. "Wait look!" Says Luna. And I look. It is Hermione! "H-hi"She pants. "Hi"Luna and I say together. We walk the rest of the way talking about summer and the embarrassing subject of Errol. "I got a Pygmy Puff" I say steering the subject away from my faimlys ancient owl. "His name is Arnold and..." I am cut of by aloud rustle from the woods. A hooded figure steps out from behind a tree. We barley have time to scream before three stunning spells shoot at our faces.
I shift groggily on a forest floor. Wait forest floor? The memories of the past two hours flood my brain. I should look for the others, I try to talk but relies there is a cloth in my mouth. I try to spit it out but It is stuck in my mouth. I relies that I am tied up with the rope that comes out of a wand. The only thing I wonder Is who'es wand. I roll around trying to wiggle of the magical ropes. "That will not work with those you filthy blood traitor." says a horrible voice near a tree. I look over at the face and I am correct, Bellatrix LeStrange
"I let out a muffled scream and felt a foot colide with my face, hard. The lights danced before my eyes and then all I saw was black. I woke up with a start somebody was shaking me. "Ginny, Ginny they are asleep lets get out of here"! I relised that the voice was Hermione. "Wha.. how?" "Enough wiggling and a brain" she said." There" said Luna and I looked down to see my arms and legs were free. We didn't stop to talk and bolted away from the camp Bellatrix had made. But we did not run fast enough. Red and Green spells shot out of here wand, Hermione Hit the needles with a thud and I thought I heard her yell "keep going!" But who would leave anyone with that Belatrix. Luna turned before I did, But we ran together. I was the next to thud on the needles
UGH, that is what my mind screams at me. I remember my wand and think about the ministry and how Harry said the minister saw Voldemort. But the minister resigned. I weigh my chances and wiggle around touch the button on my shoe that Hermione installed. My wand is spit out onto the ground I pick it up and blow up my bonds I walk over to Hermione and Luna, bend down and blow up there bonds too. We get up and run. We see a swish of black cloak and split up. Then a blood curling scream climbs up and out of the forest. I ran toward the sound tearing through brambles and bushes. The animals around look at me as if wondering what I am doing and were I am going. I stop at an open field. Beatrix is standing over Hermione, who is breathing shallow and has a small but deep gash on her shoulder. I hear a rustle across the valley and see a glimmer of long nearly white hair, Luna. I will her to stay there and she does. I make a fire with my wand and spell "I will distract Her you mend Hermione" She writes "yes" back and I chuck a rock at Bellatrixes hair. She turns and points her wand at me and I duck glad for the practice from dogging bludgers. I see Luna creep over to Hermione and Jab her wand at her shoulder. Hermione sits up drinks in the situation and Points her wand at Bellatrix "Petrificus Totalus" she cries. Belatrix snaps together and we run for it. We stop to catch a breath and Luna says "What was that" "What was wh.." What it was we were answered a huge death eater steps in front of us but, we had a warning. I point my wand at him and he erupts in flappy things. "Bat bogey" says Hermione happily "wish I had done it!" "You saved us from Bellatrix" says Luna her voice returning to its dreamy state. "Yes but you healed this" she points to her shoulder. "Ginny did good to" Hermione adds I laugh. We use the point me charm to get home, but Luna stops us. "Should we tell them" she asks. "No" me and Hermione chorused. " agree" she said. And we never told anyone. And I never intend to.
I recommend My other books if you liked this one, I also strongley recommend Luna Johnsons work. She is a great author like really good. Lost found and Lestrange is good too. Oh and Emma Goff's books are good too, also try Hermione M. she is pretty good too.