Albus Severus Potter-The Wardrobe Of Darkness
Albus Severus Potter's second year at Hogwarts is filled with mystery, truth, and a twisted love story when the Death Killers come back. A hidden secret of the three brothers.
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Brothers Unite By: Charlotte Evely
Chapter 11
Three young men walked into the tavern of Hogsmeade where they united by drinking lots of butterbeer. They had a great time. Suddenly a gust of wind hit the tavern causing everyone and thing to stop and stare at a woman, young and beautiful walking towards the three brothers. A mist grew around her and her eyes turned gold. The three brothers, the Peverells, to be exact were cowering under the table. A hand pulled them out and drew them near to the woman.
She whispered, "The Peveralls shall die out but in one generation, they will need the Hallows to defeat the greatest darkest movement in Wizarding history.You are the most powerful family, but will not be able to cheat Death except one." Then the lights went dark and when they came back on the Peveralls and the girl was gone.
The brothers ended up on a cliff and had to cross to see the nearest village. They were confused. They did not believe the woman who told them a prophecy. Then they met Death, and the story lingers.
When the group recovered from the news, Harry whispered, "We have to find the resurrection stone to bring back Taylor."
James nodded and all of them held hands and apparated.
They were in the Forbidden Forest. James declared, "We have to travel in groups with one parent at least."
Albus, Hugo, and Hermione was group #1; Ron, Lily, and James traveled as group #2; and Harry, Ginny, and Rosie was one other group. They searched everywhere when Rosie called, "Here!"
Everyone ran towards her voice when Harry screamed. He fell towards the forest floor and held his hand up to his scar.
Rosie whispered staring into space, "Voldemort."
"Rosie! Drop the stone or hand it to someone else!" James shouted holding his father.
"Powerful more than anything." she whispered when she was tackled.
Caesar took the stone away from her and Harry woke up. Caesar said, "Taylor."
They all could see him. James said, "Taylor, we need you. You are the last descendant of the second brother that is a wizard."
Taylor's white glow turned into the color of a living person. They all stared in awe when Taylor said, "Why am I here?"