Who knows me best?
written by Louisa S R W
Play along, who knows me best? friends? family?
Last Updated
Rowina Lorwitz
Chapter 8
Rowina Lorwitz says:
1) Louisa Snape
- ok... but not my full name.
2) Idk,
- well I guess you haven't seen my backstory
3) cho? Fred and George?
- half a point coz you got George.
4) Gryffindor,
- yeah but as I say everyone can get this.
5) dementors?,
- never been scared of them, in fact they used to bow to me.
6) your family and friends,
- yes but I was looking for something more specific you will see in a minute.
7) any type of bird lol idek,
- birds? no but I guess I have a past with lots of winged creatures so I see where it comes from.
8) snakes,
- I LOVE snakes. they were my best friends when I was a child.
9) potions,
- You would think, perhaps I am just too critical of myself.
10) charms?
- Not one of my best but not my worst
11) Hogsmede,
- not actually a club
12) 1990?,
- yes
13) Christian,
- afraid not, but worth a shot
14) ?,
- ...
15) cookies dough,
- never had it.
16) butter beer,
- yes
17) clothes,
- good guess for winter and we live in a cold place.
18) yes,
- 50/50 chance
19) 2 (English, French),
- think more HP...
20) idk,
- ...
21) yes,
- of course
22) be rich,
- it's funny of all the things you could have said this is very much NOT one of them.
23) yes,
- nope
24) yes,
- tick
25) yes,
- tick
26) sometimes,
- all the time
27) 2,
- keep adding
28) kind of,
- I'll allow
29) blue,
it's on there
30) ur sister's kid,
- as far as I know she doesn't have any but then I haven't seen her in a while