Who knows me best?

written by Louisa S R W

Play along, who knows me best? friends? family?

Last Updated






Charlie Weasley

Chapter 3
Perhaps the person that should know me the best. My Husband... gave me these answers. 1) Louisa Weasley - firstly this is disconcerting when your husband can't answer your name correctly. 2) Tom Marvolo Riddle & Severina Snape - at least he knows my parents. 3) George & Draco - we spend enough time with them so I guess he should know 4) The Best - not that he named it but yes 5) Kids dead - blunt as always. 6) Professor Severus Snape - yep 7) Cat - he knows me! 8) Do grindylows count? - I can see why he wrote this because I really don't like them after I fell in the lake when I was little, but no they don't count. 9) Ancient Runes - I would say they could count but not today 10) Herbology or History of Magic - both terrible 11) Music - yep 12) the year after Fred and George. - he is terrible with dates 13) jewish and elvish - good 14) loads of places - I TALK ABOUT IT LOADS!!!! 15) toffee - almost so i'll give half a point 16) Alcohol = Firewhiskey and non-alcohol = butterbeer - such precision 17) puzzleboxes - and he only got one! 18) yes but transform not dress up. - can you see why I married him? 19) elvish/English/parseltongue - and in order! 20) 30. - considering they are his kids he should get it. 21) yes - and he should know. 22) transfigure into a dragon? - I love you. 23) only if you transfigure into a being that swims. - very good. 24) very - thank you 25) all the time - sorry 26) every day - it's part of my job 27) me, my brother and cedric. - something you really should know. 28) are you trying to tell me something? - no but I guess I should explain? 29) depends on your mood - nice 30) teddy and scorpius. - good How did I do? - not bad but you got the easy questions wrong!!! xxx 26/30
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