Padma and Panju
written by Louisa S R W
The other Weasleys
Last Updated
From what we hear
Chapter 1
In 2002 Charlie and I moved to Romania to the Dragon Sanctuary and in 2006 we moved again to Sweden. We were not the only Weasleys to spend time abroad although we probably spent the most amount of time away in comparison to everyone else. Bill went on trips to Egypt and Ron and Padma went on trips to India every so often, although I think that was paid for by Padma’s parents so that Panju could get an understanding of his Indian background. I suppose it is reasonable, if I think of it in comparison to my elvish heritage however it comes across in more of a Muggle than magical manner and if I were to compare it to my jewish heritage, I really do not understand why they do it at all.
1) RON WEASLEY: If you know Ron then I don’t really need to explain, do I? We love you.
2) PADMA WEASLEY: As if we needed more twin genetics in the Weasley family. I don’t see much of her. Ron, I see as he basically lives here. I have always found her to be quite controlling, even more than Fleur. Charlie always makes me hide my temper with her, for Ron’s sake. She constantly makes him do things that he clearly doesn’t want to do. And… and… breathing…
3) PANJU WEASLEY: He too knows how to control people. Albus and Bertie seem to find it easy to work their way around him. He is mischievous and is constantly in trouble. Bertie hates it because he thinks he is brilliant at Potions and likes to show off.
1) RON WEASLEY: If you know Ron then I don’t really need to explain, do I? We love you.
2) PADMA WEASLEY: As if we needed more twin genetics in the Weasley family. I don’t see much of her. Ron, I see as he basically lives here. I have always found her to be quite controlling, even more than Fleur. Charlie always makes me hide my temper with her, for Ron’s sake. She constantly makes him do things that he clearly doesn’t want to do. And… and… breathing…
3) PANJU WEASLEY: He too knows how to control people. Albus and Bertie seem to find it easy to work their way around him. He is mischievous and is constantly in trouble. Bertie hates it because he thinks he is brilliant at Potions and likes to show off.