Book Of Secrets For Adults Only
If you are not an adult then go away this is a secret book for adults only, you know, the book, with the secrets, for the adults. The adults secret book. With secrets. Adults. Posion for Kuszco. Yes secrets.
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Dobby'S Secret.
Chapter 7
ONce Dobby was out for a wallk around hogwarts grounds and he was feeling very lonesome and heartsick anyway he heard some strange noises comming from hagirds hut and it was the dragon NORBERTA! and she was in heat and there was not much dobby could do except to fall for her magical spell and admire her beastly curves. He was drawn by like a strong thing like magnetism towards her soft scaly hard dragonhided skin. he had to move fowards to stoke it and once he touched her skin it was like an inferno tore through him and dobby knew that he was the only one that could slake Norbertas lust. With a cry of IO LOVE YOU FEIRCE NORBETA he sank his elfy ding dong into norbertas fiery lady dragon parts until dobby could move no more. their love was fr always