written by Louisa S R W
Sequel to Missing Malfoy, when Draco came to stay
Last Updated
Headmistress's Office
Chapter 1
Draco Malfoy came back to our house, for some reason he had actually agreed to be in Knockturn Alley and not the palatial grandeur of his own home. “I can’t face it there and to take you from Bertie…” His words drifted as he went into some form of restless sleep.
“That’s kind Draco, I can see the real you in there, somewhere.” Come on I’ll make you up a bed. You need to rest. He didn’t really rest. He nodded in an old chair in the study, sweat pouring down his swallow face, as Charlie handed him a butterbeer. I was trying hard to rest myself, safe in the knowledge that other teams were looking for the boys. But an alert went off in my pocket, and the portrait of my uncle Severus started speaking to me in Elvish.
Obviously, it was not something he wanted Draco or Charlie to hear.
“Potter, Minister, McGonagall and Weasley going to Forbidden Forest to find the boys”
“Do they think that they are there?” I asked, knowing what the reply would be, “Obviously, otherwise they wouldn’t be looking. An extra Daily Prophet has been issued” he said.
“We’ll head straight there.” It felt cruel to wake Draco from his in and out sleep but he needed to know, I knew he’d want to know. I only had to touch him lightly on the knee and he bolted awake.
“Scorpius? Are you…?”
“Draco, we’ve had news that they may be in the Forbidden Forest.” I tried to be as calm as I could.
“Hogwarts? Why are they going to Hogwarts? Is it like when Ron and Harry took the car? Did something like that happen… I have to go!” He got more and more frantic as he went on. “Where’s the powder?”
“err over there but Draco I don’t know when it was last used it might be a bit… dirty.”
He disappeared off and landed with a thud in the Headmistress’s office of Hogwarts, surrounded by dust and soot. I arrived only a few minutes after him as he was brushing soot off of himself, and managed to make even more mess of her nice clean floor.
“That’s kind Draco, I can see the real you in there, somewhere.” Come on I’ll make you up a bed. You need to rest. He didn’t really rest. He nodded in an old chair in the study, sweat pouring down his swallow face, as Charlie handed him a butterbeer. I was trying hard to rest myself, safe in the knowledge that other teams were looking for the boys. But an alert went off in my pocket, and the portrait of my uncle Severus started speaking to me in Elvish.
Obviously, it was not something he wanted Draco or Charlie to hear.
“Potter, Minister, McGonagall and Weasley going to Forbidden Forest to find the boys”
“Do they think that they are there?” I asked, knowing what the reply would be, “Obviously, otherwise they wouldn’t be looking. An extra Daily Prophet has been issued” he said.
“We’ll head straight there.” It felt cruel to wake Draco from his in and out sleep but he needed to know, I knew he’d want to know. I only had to touch him lightly on the knee and he bolted awake.
“Scorpius? Are you…?”
“Draco, we’ve had news that they may be in the Forbidden Forest.” I tried to be as calm as I could.
“Hogwarts? Why are they going to Hogwarts? Is it like when Ron and Harry took the car? Did something like that happen… I have to go!” He got more and more frantic as he went on. “Where’s the powder?”
“err over there but Draco I don’t know when it was last used it might be a bit… dirty.”
He disappeared off and landed with a thud in the Headmistress’s office of Hogwarts, surrounded by dust and soot. I arrived only a few minutes after him as he was brushing soot off of himself, and managed to make even more mess of her nice clean floor.