Leaves And Roots: A First Year'S Guide To Herbology
A complete guide to a first year's Herbology class.
Last Updated
Chapter 5: Bouncing Bulb
Chapter 5
Name: Resilio Bulbus
Alias: Bouncing Bulb
Stepping away from the most poisonous, we bring ourselves to the next plant: The Bouncing Bulb. These are not as dangerous as Aconite, but can still be a handful. Showing some form of sentience, the plant will show aggression to any who approach it. While the little ones may only try to smack you in the face, be wary of the bigger ones, which grow up to the size of a door. If attacked, the Flipendo Knockback Jinx is best for the smaller ones, and the Incendio Spell for the bigger ones. The fire will kill the Bouncing Bulb, as found by Herbologists Tilden Toots.
Growing Conditions:
pH Level: Neutral
Water Levels: Centaur Tears are best
Sunlight Levels: Relatively Bright
Additional Notes: Ideal conditions are to have a bathtub's worth of soil.
Danger Level: Moderate-Worrisome.