Transfiguration Notebook - Year One

written by Elizabeth Black

Here are my notes from Transfiguration year one! The last chapter has links to the rest of my books of notes for the other subjects, so be sure to check those out as well!

Last Updated






Lesson One

Chapter 1
Key: Anything in * these* are my notes on the note.
Anything in (these) are me adding on to the note

Classroom Introduction
• Transfiguration is a difficult branch of magic
• most weeks you will have a short ten question quiz and the occasional extra credit essay
• In Lesson Five you will do your midterm, and Lesson Nine will be your final
• I also ask that you please refrain from using any identifying marks, such as your name, age, or house, in your essays.
• A quick note, please do not stress about the Transformation Formula. It is not important that you fully understand it, as it will not be a focus in this course at all. I look forward to seeing you next lesson!

Transfiguration Formula
• First, let’s begin by saying that this is a theoretical formula.
• It is not an actual mathematical formula meant to be solved for a hard value.
• No one knows for sure what the variable Z is
• the four known variables, only one of them is actually measurable (the mass)
• The three variables that cannot be measured • are wand power, concentration, and viciousness because they do not have numerical values (number values)
• Wand power is the strength of your wand and is influenced by the wood, core, length, and flexibility, but also by your relationship with it (how your wand works) but in general it is how your mind focuses and directs your magic.
• viciousness is liveliness of the target object (everything has a viciousness) *explained in next note*
• viciousness cannot be zero, even for inanimate objects.
• There are multiple theories as to what would happen if one tried casting a transformation on an object at absolute zero, none can be proven
• quantum physics is a theoretical type of physics *just like this formula*
• is a basis upon which people attempt to understand the science of transfiguration, quantifying what we can *and making theories*
• variable Z is placed in the formula. It is the one piece of transformation that no one can truly quantify *what people believe in next notes*
• believe it refers to the complexity of life within an object
• believe it is the molecular makeup of the object (molecules that make up an object)
• believe it is an individual’s aptitude for the spell or a combination of several factors
no one can be certain exactly what it is.
• It is one of the big mysteries of transfiguration.
• A larger “value” for the difficulty, t, means an easier spell, while a smaller value means a more difficult spell (the large it is, the easier it is)
• figure that if a target object has a large mass, adding more concentration will make it easier

Introduction to Transfiguration
• Transfiguration is a very precise and delicate branch of magic (more so, then say charms)
the alteration of objects in our physical world (changes their form)
• Transfiguration is a very dangerous form of magic, as it is very easy to mess up *so be careful*
• When you are working with the molecules of an object, you are changing its basic principles
• Now, molecules are defined as a group of atoms that are bonded together to create chemical compounds. *need to understand this, to start to get the transfiguration formula*
• more scientific branches of magic, meaning there is a strict systematic approach in relation to the incantations and wand movements *no room for error*
Most people have a hard time appreciating how scientific it is, and prefer things that aren’t quite as strict in principle (such as charms)
• four branches of transfiguration:
- transformation
- vanishment
- conjuration
- un-transfiguration
*we will not be doing big transformations, these are the ones we are going to be doing*
-inanimate to inanimate
- animate to inanimate
- inanimate to animate
- animate to animate

Rules and Regulations
• This type of magic has many opportunities for things to go wrong, and disastrously so *no room for error*
• This is why it is important that you do not try spells above your year. *big punishments if you do*
• extremely dangerous practice that will not be encouraged or condoned in my class.
• When spells backfire or aren’t completed correctly, it can prevent items from completing their transfigurations (at best) *more dangerous things can happen, more in next note*
• Can you imagine what would happen if you went to do a transformation to give yourself gills and it only worked halfway? *BAD, need to follow directions, and be CAREFUL*
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