Notes From A Ravenclaw (Year 2)
written by Anne Pickering
NOTE: I will be coming back to this and rewriting it for the current 2nd year! Year 2 is here! This is a compilation of my Year 2 notes for all classes. There will be no essay or quizzes here. Just notes based on the lessons. These notes are in no way a substitute for reading the lessons and/or text books for each class!
Last Updated
Div 201 Week 1
Chapter 7
Lesson 1 notes
- A Seer's Guide to Seeing
- Definition
- not decided
- 'Divination is a branch of magic that allows one to read, predict, and prepare for the future and future events'
- to those that study it, it is more
- help guide and inform
- 'A very wooly branch of magic, that can be relied on in no way'
- completely wrong
- Practiced worldwide
- Early Divination
- crystal ball
- druids of ancient britain
- 2000 BC
- middle ages it was popular
- made of beryl, a translucent stone
- Dr. John Dee (1527-1608)
- scientist and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I
- Scrying
- concentrate to induce hypnotic state
- produces a vision for interpretation
- Tarot cards
- late 18th century
- offshoot of tarocco
- card game similar to bridge
- 15th century Italy
- 1783 til 1787
- French diviner, Alliette
- tarots d'etteilla
- how the 78 cards fall in relation to on another and if any are upside down
- Ouija Board
- ancient Egyptians
- circular table with symbols
- ring on a thread spelled the answer
- 1854 "talking board"
- 19th and early 20th century
- William and Isaac Fuld
- Baltimore 1889
- sold ouija boards in USA
- 1913 St Louis
- house wife Pearl Curran
- Patience Worth
- led to poetry, plays, and novels
- popular money maker after WWI
- Patience Worth
- house wife Pearl Curran
- 1960
- Parker Brothers bought the rights
- crystal ball