Notes From A Ravenclaw (Year 2)
written by Anne Pickering
NOTE: I will be coming back to this and rewriting it for the current 2nd year! Year 2 is here! This is a compilation of my Year 2 notes for all classes. There will be no essay or quizzes here. Just notes based on the lessons. These notes are in no way a substitute for reading the lessons and/or text books for each class!
Last Updated
Comc 201 Week 2
Chapter 16
The Boring Beasts
X classification: only beasts: no ability to shape magical law: only two creatures are given this classification
invertebrate (no spinal column)
up to 10 inches long
both ends look identical
live in damp ditches
segmented worms, rings around the body segmenting the skin
No eyes that can be found, most likely blind.
No teeth either
Flobberworms decompose just 3-7 min after death
vegetation, mostly cabbage and lettuce makes up their food
possible they have tastebuds, refuse to eat iceberg lettuce
Hermaphrodites: contain the reproductive organs for both male and female
Secrete a mucus, sticky and sickly green
used as a thickener and in the Wiggenweld Potion. also used as an emulsifier.
Flobberworm fritters or the mucus can be used to make jelly
also used on the roof beams to protect against termites and Chizpurfles.
One of the few creatures that can be summoned by using the Summoning Charm
bright pink mushrooms covered in black bristles
mutant varieties are green or yellow.
Acromantula venom will kill the original, but not the mutant varieties.
they eat earthworms, and flobberworms if they are in the soil
considered a pest, can spread in a matter of days.
gnomes love to eat Horklumps
the black bristles move to create a whistling noise, used for reproduction, they are asexual
Streeler venom will kill Horklumps
Will not live in dry conditions, like deserts. They turn gray as they starve.
used in healing potions and herbicide potions
Horklump juice: put in a container with no food. It will sweat out the juice. replant after collecting one vial of juice.
must treat the creature humanely
X classification: only beasts: no ability to shape magical law: only two creatures are given this classification
invertebrate (no spinal column)
up to 10 inches long
both ends look identical
live in damp ditches
segmented worms, rings around the body segmenting the skin
No eyes that can be found, most likely blind.
No teeth either
Flobberworms decompose just 3-7 min after death
vegetation, mostly cabbage and lettuce makes up their food
possible they have tastebuds, refuse to eat iceberg lettuce
Hermaphrodites: contain the reproductive organs for both male and female
Secrete a mucus, sticky and sickly green
used as a thickener and in the Wiggenweld Potion. also used as an emulsifier.
Flobberworm fritters or the mucus can be used to make jelly
also used on the roof beams to protect against termites and Chizpurfles.
One of the few creatures that can be summoned by using the Summoning Charm
bright pink mushrooms covered in black bristles
mutant varieties are green or yellow.
Acromantula venom will kill the original, but not the mutant varieties.
they eat earthworms, and flobberworms if they are in the soil
considered a pest, can spread in a matter of days.
gnomes love to eat Horklumps
the black bristles move to create a whistling noise, used for reproduction, they are asexual
Streeler venom will kill Horklumps
Will not live in dry conditions, like deserts. They turn gray as they starve.
used in healing potions and herbicide potions
Horklump juice: put in a container with no food. It will sweat out the juice. replant after collecting one vial of juice.
must treat the creature humanely