Notes From A Ravenclaw (Year 2)
written by Anne Pickering
NOTE: I will be coming back to this and rewriting it for the current 2nd year! Year 2 is here! This is a compilation of my Year 2 notes for all classes. There will be no essay or quizzes here. Just notes based on the lessons. These notes are in no way a substitute for reading the lessons and/or text books for each class!
Last Updated
Ptns 201 Week 1
Chapter 11
Please note: this class has changed significantly since the original writing. I will include the new info first and leave the old information for the end for extra knowledge.
Administration Ethics
Magical laws and Ethics: potions, ingredients, and research
Administration of potions
important for the healing arts and research
accountability and integrity when practicing
Healers must use their best judgement and taking responsibility for their decisions
Informed consent
The patient or research subject undergoing treatment with full, accurate understanding of the possible benefits and harm that could come from undergoing treatment
Patient and Subject Comprehension and Consent Law of 1849: all must sign a consent form, an official document that states they are aware of the risks and benefits and are giving their content to continue
Is the patient in a position to give informed consent? the closest living relative is responsible for decision making if not.
Living will, a statement of your desires should you not be able to give informed consent
Is the patient capable of fully understanding the possible effects of the treatment?
The control group, used during experimental trials. Placebos are used.
When treating non-human magical beings or creatures there is a dilemma when considering consent. Consult a magizoologist.
If consent is not attainable, the healer must determine the best possible means of treatment.
Bioethics: philosophy and ethics of biological and medical treatment.
Life-centered approach is that all life is sacred and should be maintained no matter what.
Brain and consciousness-centred approach maintains that once they can no longer maintain their own life functions nor have the quality of life, they are considered deceased.
Administration Ethics
Magical laws and Ethics: potions, ingredients, and research
Administration of potions
important for the healing arts and research
accountability and integrity when practicing
Healers must use their best judgement and taking responsibility for their decisions
Informed consent
The patient or research subject undergoing treatment with full, accurate understanding of the possible benefits and harm that could come from undergoing treatment
Patient and Subject Comprehension and Consent Law of 1849: all must sign a consent form, an official document that states they are aware of the risks and benefits and are giving their content to continue
Is the patient in a position to give informed consent? the closest living relative is responsible for decision making if not.
Living will, a statement of your desires should you not be able to give informed consent
Is the patient capable of fully understanding the possible effects of the treatment?
The control group, used during experimental trials. Placebos are used.
When treating non-human magical beings or creatures there is a dilemma when considering consent. Consult a magizoologist.
If consent is not attainable, the healer must determine the best possible means of treatment.
Bioethics: philosophy and ethics of biological and medical treatment.
Life-centered approach is that all life is sacred and should be maintained no matter what.
Brain and consciousness-centred approach maintains that once they can no longer maintain their own life functions nor have the quality of life, they are considered deceased.
Lesson 1 notes
- Caterpillars
- Look like a worm
- 1-3 inches (2.5-5 cm) long
- range of colors and hairy
- no visible eyes or features other than color
- legs
- invertebrate, like the horned slug
- offspring of moths and butterflies
- Metamorphosis
- create a cacoon
- emerge as a butterfly or moth
- found around the world
- some are venomous
- harvesting
- use dragon-hide gloves
- keep near sunlight and moderate temperatures
- herbivors
- lives approximalty 3 weeks
- Potions
- whole
- sliced
- with a silver knife
- green, high viscosity "goo"
- Mundane
- display magical properties only with other ingredients
- Cowbane
- cicuta virosa
- unclassified, not magical or mundane
- depends on the plant
- 1-2 meters (3-7 ft) tall
- smooth green stems and leaves, small white flowers in bunches/clusters
- resembles a carrot of parsnip in roots
- highly poisonous
- fatal if consumed
- many grazers died
- North and Central Europe, North Asia, Northwest America
- wet marsh
- banks of streams
- Pest
- difficult to remove due to roots
- Harvesting
- cut stalk with silver knife 2 inches (5 cm) away from flower clusters
- poisonous when eaten
- harvest 3 hrs or less before needed to use
- infusion of cowbane
- longer shelf life
- infusion of cowbane
- store
- warm, natural light, for up to 6 months.
- loses potency after that, grows mold and the layers separate.
- warm, natural light, for up to 6 months.
- Infusion
- aqueous solution
- soak or steep the plant in a solvent
- Use a mortar and pestle
- crush stem and flowers to a fine powder
- add water to create paste
- in a glass bottle, half filled with water
- stir until paste dissolves
- cloudy white liquid
- uses
- poisons, dark potions, potions that limit or deminish
- 100 mL infusion = 3 fresh flower clusters + 100 mL water
- Doxy eggs
- Beast XXX, fairy like
- blue with black hair, 4 arms, 4 legs, 2 wings
- eggs
- small, hard, purple or black skin (depending on time till hatching)
- black crescent moon marking
- usually in a large pile, laid underground
- bowtruckles like to eat them
- Harvesting
- garden areas
- 2-5 inches (5-13 cm) in the ground
- handle carefully, do not rip the skin
- store
- large dark glass jar
- away from heat and light
- 4 wks
- will shrivel and crack, unusable
- potions
- add whole
- vitality, energy, and youth potions
- uncommon poisions
- Beast XXX, fairy like
- Dragonfly thorax
- mundane
- invertebrate
- vary in size, shape,color and pattern
- wingspan 10.5 cm ( 4 inches)
- 5 year life cycle
- egg -----> larvae -------> adult
- 6 month life span
- thorax
- small, between the head and tail
- keeps heart, lungs and blood vessels safe
- found near large bodies of water everywhere
- catch in a large net or use Accio
- large thorax = higher potency
- use silver knife, cut off head first then tail.
- pull of wings gently
- storage
- glass jar, natural light, natural medium heat
- up to 1 month
- easier to purchase than maintain
- potions
- awakening and energy potions
- Girding Potion
- dragon dung fertilizer
- use crushed or whole.
- Fairy Wings
- magical being
- XX
- 5 inches (13 cm) tall
- large wings, bright color or transparent
- very vain, used as decorations, love attention
- found everywhere in forests/woodlands, nature dwelling
- stay away from bowtruckles
- difficult to approach/capture
- highly valued and expensive
- capture
- large enclosure with shiny objects/mirrors
- Harvesting
- pull gently on wings, will not hurt the fairy. dewing all captive fairies at the same time
- wings grow back in 4 weeks
- Bigger wings = higher potency
- glass jar with lid and air flow
- natural light and heat
- unsutable= dull and brassy
- store up to 2 yrs
- potions
- levitation, beautifying, gaseous, and luck potions
- whole, sliced, or chopped with a silver knife
- no crushing
- Flying seahorses
- non-magical fish
- 35.5 cm (14 in)
- skin over ring shaped bones
- swim upright
- yellow or orange, long necks, curling tail
- female puts eggs in male's pouch
- lakes of Scotland
- black lake
- shallow tropical waters around the world
- need to dry for use, easier to buy
- keep in a glass tank with air holes
- seize and pull charm or a large net to capture
- leave to dry on a desk in a dark plastic bottle, away from heat and light
- dry for 1 wk before use
- store 5 yrs
- whole, crushed, or chopped
- restorative and energy potions
- Horklump juice
- thin, cloudy, low viscosity
- Horklump
- beast, X, fleshy and pink mushroom like
- tendon like tentacles
- eats earthworms
- feed gnomes, breed quickly, pest
- dig up, shake the dirt loose, put in a glass jar with a hole in the lid for air
- when stressed, sweats juice. collect with a phial, once 1 phial is full, return Horklump to ground
- storage
- dark damp area, no light
- 1 year
- white mold = unusable
- Potions
- medical/healing potions
- nature potions
- Horn of Bicorn
- Bicorn
- large and dangerous
- hairy, dark brown
- bred for horns
- mythology
- devour kind hearted/devoted men = well fed and tempered
- Chichevache: devours obedient and honest women = thin and bad tempered
- 2 long waved horns on top of skull
- sharp, tough, magical
- used for combat and leadership of heard
- shed horns each year
- Harvesting
- after shed, while bicorn not looking
- bicorns are protective of shed horns
- storage
- high shelf away from heat and light, but not damp or cold either
- keep indefinitely
- may turn brittle after 12 yrs.
- Potions
- crush into a fine powder
- complex or malicious potions
- side effects : moody, angry, fits of rage
- add sweetener to balance bitterness
- Bicorn